Hero Info
The Sun King

Like all Blood Elves, Prince Kael'thas was transformed by the fall of Quel'Thalas. Desperate to save his people from being consumed by their magical addiction, he joined forces with the Burning Legion and now lords over Tempest Keep.

The Sun King
Like all Blood Elves, Prince Kael'thas was transformed by the fall of Quel'Thalas. Desperate to save his people from being consumed by their magical addiction, he joined forces with the Burning Legion and now lords over Tempest Keep.
Flamestrike [Q ]
Mana: 70Cooldown: 7 secondsAfter 1 second, deal 359 damage in an area.
Verdant Spheres increases the radius by 50%. -
Living Bomb [W ]
Mana: 50Cooldown: 10 secondsDeal 131 damage over 3 seconds to an enemy, then they explode dealing 224 damage to all nearby enemies. Other Heroes damaged by this explosion are also affected by Living Bomb, though the secondary explosions cannot spread.
Verdant Spheres makes this Ability cost no Mana and have no cooldown. -
Gravity Lapse [E ]
Mana: 90Cooldown: 14 secondsStun the first enemy hit for 1 second.
Verdant Spheres causes Gravity Lapse to stun the first 3 enemies hit and increases the stun duration by 50%. -
Phoenix [R ]
Mana: 80Cooldown: 60 secondsLaunch a Phoenix to an area, dealing 81 damage to enemies along the way. The Phoenix persists for 7 seconds, attacking enemies for 81 damage and splashing for 50%. -
Pyroblast [R ]
Mana: 80Cooldown: 100 secondsAfter 1.5 seconds, cast a slow-moving fireball that deals 850 damage to an enemy Hero and 425 damage to enemies nearby. -
Verdant Spheres [D ]
Activate to make Kael'thas's next Basic Ability more powerful.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
1581 | 3.2947 | 500 | 3 | 68 | 5.5 | 0 | 4.3984 |
Quest:Damaging an enemy Hero with Flamestrike increase its damage by 5, up to 100. This bonus is lost on death.
Reward: After hitting 20 enemy Heroes, increase Flamestrike damage by an additional 100 and no longer lose any bonuses on death.
Increases Kael'thas's Spell Power by 4%. Kael'thas heals for 98 Health when activating Verdant Spheres.
Quest:Gathering a Regeneration Globe increases Kael'thas's maximum Mana by 15.
Reward: After gathering 20 Globes, Kael'thas can activate Arcane Barrier to gain a Shield equal to 100% of his maximum Mana for 4 seconds. 45 second cooldown.
When Flamestrike damages 2 or more Heroes, they take additional damage equal to 8% of their maximum Health.
Living Bombs that spread to enemy Heroes deal 35% more damage.
Activating Verdant Spheres causes Kael'thas's next 2 Basic Attacks to instead deal 120 Spell Damage. If both of these Attacks hit enemy Heroes, gain 15% Spell Power for 10 seconds.
Increases Phoenix duration by 100%. While alive, the Phoenix may be ordered to move to a different location.
Increases Pyroblast's explosion radius by 50%. Heroes that are hit by Flamestrike or have Living Bomb spread to them reduce the cooldown of Pyroblast by 10 seconds.
Living Bomb's spread from explosions can now also spread Living Bomb.
Increases the cast range of Flamestrike by 40%. If Flamestrike hits 2 or more Heroes, its cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds.
Flamestrike [Q ]
Mana: 70Cooldown: 7 secondsAfter 1 second, deal 359 damage in an area.
Verdant Spheres increases the radius by 50%. -
Living Bomb [W ]
Mana: 50Cooldown: 10 secondsDeal 131 damage over 3 seconds to an enemy, then they explode dealing 224 damage to all nearby enemies. Other Heroes damaged by this explosion are also affected by Living Bomb, though the secondary explosions cannot spread.
Verdant Spheres makes this Ability cost no Mana and have no cooldown. -
Gravity Lapse [E ]
Mana: 90Cooldown: 14 secondsStun the first enemy hit for 1 second.
Verdant Spheres causes Gravity Lapse to stun the first 3 enemies hit and increases the stun duration by 50%. -
Phoenix [R ]
Mana: 80Cooldown: 60 secondsLaunch a Phoenix to an area, dealing 81 damage to enemies along the way. The Phoenix persists for 7 seconds, attacking enemies for 81 damage and splashing for 50%. -
Pyroblast [R ]
Mana: 80Cooldown: 100 secondsAfter 1.5 seconds, cast a slow-moving fireball that deals 850 damage to an enemy Hero and 425 damage to enemies nearby. -
Verdant Spheres [D ]
Activate to make Kael'thas's next Basic Ability more powerful. -
Normal Attack [A ]
Attacks using the Hero's weapon
- Basic
- Basic
- Basic
- Basic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
Like all Blood Elves, Prince Kael'thas was transformed by the fall of Quel'Thalas. Desperate to save his people from being consumed by their magical addiction, he joined forces with the Burning Legion and now lords over Tempest Keep.

Forest Kael'thas
Like all Blood Elves, Prince Kael'thas was transformed by the fall of Quel'Thalas. Desperate to save his people from being consumed by their magical addiction, he joined forces with the Burning Legion and now lords over Tempest Keep.

Ivory Kael'thas
Like all Blood Elves, Prince Kael'thas was transformed by the fall of Quel'Thalas. Desperate to save his people from being consumed by their magical addiction, he joined forces with the Burning Legion and now lords over Tempest Keep.

Silver Kael'thas
Like all Blood Elves, Prince Kael'thas was transformed by the fall of Quel'Thalas. Desperate to save his people from being consumed by their magical addiction, he joined forces with the Burning Legion and now lords over Tempest Keep.

Cyberhawk Kael'thas
Sunstrider Industries CEO Mikael Thoss uses his company's vast wealth and cutting-edge technology to protect the innocent as Cyberhawk, the Avian Avenger!

Cyborghawk Kael'thas
Sunstrider Industries CEO Mikael Thoss uses his company's vast wealth and cutting-edge technology to protect the innocent as Cyberhawk, the Avian Avenger!

Sapphire Cyberhawk Kael'thas
Sunstrider Industries CEO Mikael Thoss uses his company's vast wealth and cutting-edge technology to protect the innocent as Cyberhawk, the Avian Avenger!

Spectre Cyberhawk Kael'thas
Sunstrider Industries CEO Mikael Thoss uses his company's vast wealth and cutting-edge technology to protect the innocent as Cyberhawk, the Avian Avenger!

Lunar Kael'thas
As prince of the sin'dorei, Kael'thas presides over all Lunar Festival ceremonies throughout Silvermoon City. It is imperative that his finery match his station.

Amber Lunar Kael'thas
As prince of the sin'dorei, Kael'thas presides over all Lunar Festival ceremonies throughout Silvermoon City. It is imperative that his finery match his station.
Heavenly Lunar Kael'thas
As prince of the sin'dorei, Kael'thas presides over all Lunar Festival ceremonies throughout Silvermoon City. It is imperative that his finery match his station.

Jade Lunar Kael'thas
As prince of the sin'dorei, Kael'thas presides over all Lunar Festival ceremonies throughout Silvermoon City. It is imperative that his finery match his station.

Lotus Lunar Kael'thas
As prince of the sin'dorei, Kael'thas presides over all Lunar Festival ceremonies throughout Silvermoon City. It is imperative that his finery match his station.
Sovereign Kael'thas
Only the finest of robes and armor may adorn the Sun King. His majesty and brilliance must shine forth like the sun itself.

Fel Sovereign Kael'thas
Only the finest of robes and armor may adorn the Sun King. His majesty and brilliance must shine forth like the sun itself.

Sun Sovereign Kael'thas
Only the finest of robes and armor may adorn the Sun King. His majesty and brilliance must shine forth like the sun itself.

StormPunk Kael'thas
On some worlds, technology and magic are not so different. Those who master both, like Lord Kael'thas, can create both wonders and terrors beyond your imagination.

Azure StormPunk Kael'thas
On some worlds, technology and magic are not so different. Those who master both, like Lord Kael'thas, can create both wonders and terrors beyond your imagination.

Crimson StormPunk Kael'thas
On some worlds, technology and magic are not so different. Those who master both, like Lord Kael'thas, can create both wonders and terrors beyond your imagination.

Gold StormPunk Kael'thas
On some worlds, technology and magic are not so different. Those who master both, like Lord Kael'thas, can create both wonders and terrors beyond your imagination.

Stormbot Kael'thas
Originally constructed to be a magician’s assistant, Kael’thas’s preprogrammed aptitude for sorcery soon catapulted him past the expertise of his own creators.

Cobalt Stormbot Kael'thas
Originally constructed to be a magician’s assistant, Kael’thas’s preprogrammed aptitude for sorcery soon catapulted him past the expertise of his own creators.

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