Hero Info
Twilight's Hammer Chieftain

Cho’gall is one of the most powerful, intelligent, and insane ogre-magi to have ever lived. As the leader of the Twilight's Hammer the two brothers seek to bring about an age of destruction... whenever they aren’t bickering that is.

Twilight's Hammer Chieftain
Cho’gall is one of the most powerful, intelligent, and insane ogre-magi to have ever lived. As the leader of the Twilight's Hammer the two brothers seek to bring about an age of destruction... whenever they aren’t bickering that is.
Surging Fist [Q ]
Cooldown: 12 secondsActivate to begin charging Surging Fist. Activate again to dash forward, knocking aside enemies and dealing 48 damage. The dash range increases by up to 250%, depending on how long it is charged. -
Consuming Blaze [W ]
Cooldown: 12 secondsIgnite nearby enemies, dealing 156 damage over 5 seconds. Basic Attacking burning enemies re-Ignites them. Cho is healed for 42 when an enemy is Ignited. -
Rune Bomb [E ]
Cooldown: 8 secondsRoll a bomb dealing 95 damage to enemies in its path. Gall can use Runic Blast to detonate it to deal 242 damage in an area. -
Hammer of Twilight [R ]
Cooldown: 15 secondsActivate to swing the Hammer of Twilight, dealing 157 damage, pushing enemies away, and Stunning them for 0.75 seconds.
Passive: Cho's Basic Attacks deal 25% increased damage. -
Upheaval [R ]
Cooldown: 60 secondsAfter 1 second, pull enemies towards Cho'gall, slowing them by 25% for 3 seconds and dealing 182 damage. -
Ogre Hide [D ]
Cooldown: 5 secondsActivate to gain 25 Armor, but reduce Gall's damage by 25%.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
3083 | 6.421 | - | - | 136 | 1 | 0 | 4.3984 |
Surging Fist deals additional damage to Heroes equal to 7% of their max Health.
Rune Bomb rolls back to Cho, damaging enemies in its path.
Each consecutive Basic Attack to an enemy Hero deals 20% more damage, to a maximum of 60% damage. This bonus lasts 5 seconds or until a different enemy is attacked.
While channeling Surging Fist, Cho heals for 156 Health per second.
Activate to increase the Armor bonus of Ogre Hide by 200% for 2 seconds. If cast while Ogre Rage is active, it instantly swaps to Ogre Hide.
Activate to enter Stasis and gain Invulnerability for 3 seconds, damaging nearby enemies for 96 damage per second.
Surging Fist [Q ]
Cooldown: 12 secondsActivate to begin charging Surging Fist. Activate again to dash forward, knocking aside enemies and dealing 48 damage. The dash range increases by up to 250%, depending on how long it is charged. -
Consuming Blaze [W ]
Cooldown: 12 secondsIgnite nearby enemies, dealing 156 damage over 5 seconds. Basic Attacking burning enemies re-Ignites them. Cho is healed for 42 when an enemy is Ignited. -
Rune Bomb [E ]
Cooldown: 8 secondsRoll a bomb dealing 95 damage to enemies in its path. Gall can use Runic Blast to detonate it to deal 242 damage in an area. -
Hammer of Twilight [R ]
Cooldown: 15 secondsActivate to swing the Hammer of Twilight, dealing 157 damage, pushing enemies away, and Stunning them for 0.75 seconds.
Passive: Cho's Basic Attacks deal 25% increased damage. -
Upheaval [R ]
Cooldown: 60 secondsAfter 1 second, pull enemies towards Cho'gall, slowing them by 25% for 3 seconds and dealing 182 damage. -
Ogre Hide [D ]
Cooldown: 5 secondsActivate to gain 25 Armor, but reduce Gall's damage by 25%. -
Twilight Veil
Cooldown: 30 secondsActivate to increase the Armor bonus of Ogre Hide by 200% for 2 seconds. If cast while Ogre Rage is active, it instantly swaps to Ogre Hide. -
Molten Block
Cooldown: 60 secondsActivate to enter Stasis and gain Invulnerability for 3 seconds, damaging nearby enemies for 96 damage per second. -
Normal Attack [A ]
Attacks using the Hero's weapon
Cho’gall is one of the most powerful, intelligent, and insane ogre-magi to have ever lived. As the leader of the Twilight's Hammer the two brothers seek to bring about an age of destruction... whenever they aren’t bickering that is.

Crusher Cho'gall
Cho’gall is one of the most powerful, intelligent, and insane ogre-magi to have ever lived. As the leader of the Twilight's Hammer the two brothers seek to bring about an age of destruction... whenever they aren’t bickering that is.

Highmaul Cho'gall
Cho’gall is one of the most powerful, intelligent, and insane ogre-magi to have ever lived. As the leader of the Twilight's Hammer the two brothers seek to bring about an age of destruction... whenever they aren’t bickering that is.

Ogre-mage Cho'gall
Cho’gall is one of the most powerful, intelligent, and insane ogre-magi to have ever lived. As the leader of the Twilight's Hammer the two brothers seek to bring about an age of destruction... whenever they aren’t bickering that is.

Warlord Cho'gall
Some Heroes choose to protect themselves with thick plates of armor, others wear intricate magical robes to boost their power. Cho'gall says, "Why not do both?"

Brutal Warlord Cho'gall
Some Heroes choose to protect themselves with thick plates of armor, others wear intricate magical robes to boost their power. Cho'gall says, "Why not do both?"

Fel Warlord Cho'gall
Some Heroes choose to protect themselves with thick plates of armor, others wear intricate magical robes to boost their power. Cho'gall says, "Why not do both?"

Mage Warlord Cho'gall
Some Heroes choose to protect themselves with thick plates of armor, others wear intricate magical robes to boost their power. Cho'gall says, "Why not do both?"

Corruptor Cho'gall
Rumor has it that the Corruptor Raiment was once exclusively worn by the Shadow Council. How the Scryers and the Aldor ever obtained them, the World of Warcraft may never know...

Angelic Corruptor Cho'gall
Rumor has it that the Corruptor Raiment was once exclusively worn by the Shadow Council. How the Scryers and the Aldor ever obtained them, the World of Warcraft may never know...

Timelost Corruptor Cho'gall
Rumor has it that the Corruptor Raiment was once exclusively worn by the Shadow Council. How the Scryers and the Aldor ever obtained them, the World of Warcraft may never know...

Pump'kin Cho'gall
Every Hallow's End, Cho'gall makes sure to mock the Headless Horseman. After all, two heads are better than none.

Burning Pump'kin Cho'gall
Every Hallow's End, Cho'gall makes sure to mock the Headless Horseman. After all, two heads are better than none.

Fel Pump'kin Cho'gall
Every Hallow's End, Cho'gall makes sure to mock the Headless Horseman. After all, two heads are better than none.

Magic Pump'kin Cho'gall
Every Hallow's End, Cho'gall makes sure to mock the Headless Horseman. After all, two heads are better than none.

Twilight Pump'kin Cho'gall
Every Hallow's End, Cho'gall makes sure to mock the Headless Horseman. After all, two heads are better than none.

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