Hero Info
Legendary Brewmaster

To be a brewmaster is to be an explorer, a lover of nature, and when the need arises; a powerful fighter. For years Chen Stormstout has wandered the world of Azeroth in search of rare ingredients, stirring stories, and of course, good brew.

Legendary Brewmaster
To be a brewmaster is to be an explorer, a lover of nature, and when the need arises; a powerful fighter. For years Chen Stormstout has wandered the world of Azeroth in search of rare ingredients, stirring stories, and of course, good brew.
Flying Kick [Q ]
Brew: 10Cooldown: 5 secondsKick through target enemy, dealing 116 damage. -
Keg Smash [W ]
Brew: 20Smash Chen's keg, dealing 52 damage and drenching affected enemies in Brew, slowing them by 25% for 3 seconds. -
Breath of Fire [E ]
Brew: 30Cooldown: 5 secondsBreathe a cone of flames, dealing 100 damage. Enemies soaked in Brew are Ignited, dealing 100 additional damage over 3 seconds. -
Wandering Keg [R ]
Cooldown: 70 secondsRoll around inside an Unstoppable barrel with 60% increased Movement Speed, dealing 59 damage to enemies in the way and knocking them back. Lasts for 5 seconds. -
Storm, Earth, Fire [R ]
Cooldown: 100 secondsAfter 1 second, Chen splits into three elemental spirits for 12 seconds, each with 75% of Chen's maximum Health and a unique ability. If all three spirits are killed, Chen will die as well.
Storm can grant the spirits Movement Speed.
Earth can leap to an area and slow enemies.
Fire can grant the spirits Attack Speed. -
Fortifying Brew [D ]
Cooldown: 5 secondsChen drinks from his keg, instantly gaining 25 Brew. While drinking, Chen continues to gain 30 Brew and 220 temporary Shields per second, up to a maximum of 661 while drinking. Shields persist for 2 seconds after he stops drinking.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
2572 | 5.3584 | 100 | 0 | 88 | 2 | 0 | 4.3984 |
Quest:Every time a Hero is Ignited with Breath of Fire, increase its damage over time by 2%, up to 60%.
Reward: After Igniting 30 Heroes, gain 15 Armor for every enemy Hero ignited with Breath Of Fire. This lasts for 3 seconds.
Quest:Gathering a Regeneration Globe increases Chen's Health Regeneration by 1 per second.
Reward: After gathering 30 Regeneration Globes, 50% of the Shield from Fortifying Brew persists indefinitely after drinking.
Activate to evade enemy Basic Attacks for 2 seconds. Chen's Basic Attacks reduce this cooldown by 2 seconds.
Flying Kick no longer costs Brew. Additionally, its damage is increased by 100% while Chen has Shields from Fortifying Brew.
Quest:Every time Keg Smash hits a Hero, increase its damage by 4, up to 80.
Reward: After hitting 20 Heroes, increase its range by 125% and gain an additional charge.
After using Breath of Fire, ignite in a fiery aura, dealing 54 damage every second to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
While at or below 50 Brew, gain 20% Movement Speed. While at or above 50 Brew, regenerate an additional 19 Health per second.
Fortifying Brew instantly Shields Chen for 331. Additionally, Shields persist for 1 extra second after he stops drinking.
The next Stun or Silence used against Chen has its duration reduced by 75% and resets the cooldown of Fortifying Brew. Can only trigger once every 15 seconds. While channeling Fortifying Brew gain 30 Spell Armor, reducing Ability Damage taken by 30%.
Roll around inside an Unstoppable barrel with 60% increased Movement Speed, dealing 59 damage to enemies in the way and knocking them back. Lasts for 5 seconds.
After 1 second, Chen splits into three elemental spirits for 12 seconds, each with 75% of Chen's maximum Health and a unique ability. If all three spirits are killed, Chen will die as well.
Storm can grant the spirits Movement Speed.
Earth can leap to an area and slow enemies.
Fire can grant the spirits Attack Speed.
Wandering Keg increases Movement Speed by 100% and grants 50 Armor, reducing damage taken by 50%.
Increases the spirits' Health to 100% of Chen's maximum Health and empowers their abilities.
Storm can grant the spirits Unstoppable.
Earth's leap cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds.
Fire grants Attack Speed as long as it is alive. -
Heal for 1.5% of Chen's maximum Health every time his Basic Abilities hit an enemy Hero.
Flying Kick [Q ]
Brew: 10Cooldown: 5 secondsKick through target enemy, dealing 116 damage. -
Keg Smash [W ]
Brew: 20Smash Chen's keg, dealing 52 damage and drenching affected enemies in Brew, slowing them by 25% for 3 seconds. -
Breath of Fire [E ]
Brew: 30Cooldown: 5 secondsBreathe a cone of flames, dealing 100 damage. Enemies soaked in Brew are Ignited, dealing 100 additional damage over 3 seconds. -
Wandering Keg [R ]
Cooldown: 70 secondsRoll around inside an Unstoppable barrel with 60% increased Movement Speed, dealing 59 damage to enemies in the way and knocking them back. Lasts for 5 seconds. -
Storm, Earth, Fire [R ]
Cooldown: 100 secondsAfter 1 second, Chen splits into three elemental spirits for 12 seconds, each with 75% of Chen's maximum Health and a unique ability. If all three spirits are killed, Chen will die as well.
Storm can grant the spirits Movement Speed.
Earth can leap to an area and slow enemies.
Fire can grant the spirits Attack Speed. -
Fortifying Brew [D ]
Cooldown: 5 secondsChen drinks from his keg, instantly gaining 25 Brew. While drinking, Chen continues to gain 30 Brew and 220 temporary Shields per second, up to a maximum of 661 while drinking. Shields persist for 2 seconds after he stops drinking. -
Storm [Q ]
Cooldown: 12 secondsIncrease the Movement Speed of the spirits by 50% for 5 seconds. -
Earth [W ]
Cooldown: 6 secondsFire and Earth leap to the target location, slowing enemies in a large area by 70% for 1.5 seconds. -
Fire [E ]
Cooldown: 12 secondsIncrease the Attack Speed of the spirits by 100% for 5 seconds. -
Elusive Brawler
Cooldown: 25 secondsActivate to evade enemy Basic Attacks for 2 seconds. Chen's Basic Attacks reduce this cooldown by 2 seconds. -
Normal Attack [A ]
Attacks using the Hero's weapon
To be a brewmaster is to be an explorer, a lover of nature, and when the need arises; a powerful fighter. For years Chen Stormstout has wandered the world of Azeroth in search of rare ingredients, stirring stories, and of course, good brew.

Crimson Chen
To be a brewmaster is to be an explorer, a lover of nature, and when the need arises; a powerful fighter. For years Chen Stormstout has wandered the world of Azeroth in search of rare ingredients, stirring stories, and of course, good brew.

Jade Chen
To be a brewmaster is to be an explorer, a lover of nature, and when the need arises; a powerful fighter. For years Chen Stormstout has wandered the world of Azeroth in search of rare ingredients, stirring stories, and of course, good brew.

Pristine Chen
To be a brewmaster is to be an explorer, a lover of nature, and when the need arises; a powerful fighter. For years Chen Stormstout has wandered the world of Azeroth in search of rare ingredients, stirring stories, and of course, good brew.

Lunar Chen
The loremasters say that coins are a symbol of fortune and luck. During the Lunar Festival, elders hand out Coins of Ancestry to those who seek them out and pay their respects.

Azure Lunar Chen
The loremasters say that coins are a symbol of fortune and luck. During the Lunar Festival, elders hand out Coins of Ancestry to those who seek them out and pay their respects.

Verdant Lunar Chen
The loremasters say that coins are a symbol of fortune and luck. During the Lunar Festival, elders hand out Coins of Ancestry to those who seek them out and pay their respects.

Wanderer Chen
The limitless realms of the Nexus are the perfect place for a world-wanderer like Chen Stormstout. Who knows what secret ingredients and lost tales are waiting to be discovered!

Durotar Wanderer Chen
The limitless realms of the Nexus are the perfect place for a world-wanderer like Chen Stormstout. Who knows what secret ingredients and lost tales are waiting to be discovered!

Krasari Wanderer Chen
The limitless realms of the Nexus are the perfect place for a world-wanderer like Chen Stormstout. Who knows what secret ingredients and lost tales are waiting to be discovered!

Warmaster Chen
The Warmasters serve as the unbreakable front line of Lei Shen's Grand Army. Once the Kaldorei are broken before him, the Well of Eternity will belong to the Thunder King forever.

Flame Warmaster Chen
The Warmasters serve as the unbreakable front line of Lei Shen's Grand Army. Once the Kaldorei are broken before him, the Well of Eternity will belong to the Thunder King forever.

Storm Warmaster Chen
The Warmasters serve as the unbreakable front line of Lei Shen's Grand Army. Once the Kaldorei are broken before him, the Well of Eternity will belong to the Thunder King forever.

Brewmaster Chen
Why do we fight? To protect home, and family. To preserve balance, and bring harmony. For Chen, the true question is: What is worth fighting for?

Amber Brewmaster Chen
Why do we fight? To protect home, and family. To preserve balance, and bring harmony. For Chen, the true question is: What is worth fighting for?

Frosty Brewmaster Chen
Why do we fight? To protect home, and family. To preserve balance, and bring harmony. For Chen, the true question is: What is worth fighting for?

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