
Hero Info

The Butcher Flesh Carver
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An unrelenting hacking echoed off the walls of the Cathedral and as Prince Aidan made his way through its depths, the sound only grew louder. There were no screams; just that dreadful sound... over and over.
The Butcher Flesh Carver
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An unrelenting hacking echoed off the walls of the Cathedral and as Prince Aidan made his way through its depths, the sound only grew louder. There were no screams; just that dreadful sound... over and over.


  • Hamstring [Q ]

    Mana: 40
    Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Deal 114 damage and slow enemies by 50% fading over 2 seconds. The Butcher's next Basic Attack will strike immediately.

  • Butcher's Brand [W ]

    Mana: 65
    Cooldown: 14 seconds
    Deal 38 damage to an enemy and Brand them for 4 seconds. The Butcher's Basic Attacks against the Branded target heal him for 75% of the damage done.

    Basic Attacks against Branded Heroes heal for double and extend the duration of the Brand by 0.5 seconds.

  • Ruthless Onslaught [E ]

    Mana: 55
    Cooldown: 15 seconds
    Charge at an enemy, becoming Unstoppable and gaining Movement Speed. If The Butcher reaches the target, they are stunned for 1 second and take 124 damage.

  • Lamb to the Slaughter [R ]

    Mana: 75
    Cooldown: 90 seconds
    Throw a hitching post that attaches to the nearest enemy Hero after a 1 second delay. This deals 178 damage and causes the enemy to be chained to the post and Silenced for 3 seconds.

  • Furnace Blast [R ]

    Mana: 75
    Cooldown: 60 seconds
    After a 3 second delay, fire explodes around The Butcher dealing 520 damage to enemies.

    Can be cast while using Ruthless Onslaught.

  • Fresh Meat

    Upon dying, nearby enemy Minions drop 1 Fresh Meat and enemy Heroes drop 20 Fresh Meat. Fresh Meat can be picked up to gain 0.5 Attack Damage per Meat. The Butcher loses 15 Fresh Meat upon dying.

    Quest: Collect 200 Fresh Meat.

    Reward: Gain an additional 125 Attack Damage and 25% increased Attack Speed. Heroes continue to drop 10 Fresh Meat, Minions no longer drop Fresh Meat, and Fresh Meat is no longer lost on death.

1 Level
Life Life
Mana Mana
2251 4.6902 500 3 136 1.5 0 4.3984
  • If Hamstring hits a Hero, half of the Mana cost is refunded and the cooldown is reduced by 1 second.
  • Every 5 seconds, gain 75 Physical Armor against the next enemy Hero Basic Attack, reducing the damage taken by 75%.

    Stores up to 2 charges.
  • Increases Hamstring damage by 100% to Minions and Mercenaries.
  • Increases the length of Hamstring by 40%.
  • Reduces the cooldown of Ruthless Onslaught by 33% upon impact.
  • Hamstring does 100% more damage to targets affected by a Slow, Root, or Stun.
  • While facing a branded enemy, The Butcher's Movement Speed is increased by 25%.
  • Every time a nearby enemy minion dies, The Butcher heals 5% of his maximum health.
  • When Ruthless Onslaught impacts an enemy Hero, The Butcher gains 50 Spell Armor for 2.5 seconds, reducing Ability Damage taken by 50%.
  • After a 3 second delay, fire explodes around The Butcher dealing 520 damage to enemies.

    Can be cast while using Ruthless Onslaught.
  • Throw a hitching post that attaches to the nearest enemy Hero after a 1 second delay. This deals 178 damage and causes the enemy to be chained to the post and Silenced for 3 seconds.
  • Basic Attacks deal 35% of The Butcher's Basic Attack Damage in an area around the target.
  • Ruthless Onslaught deals bonus damage to Heroes equal to 10% of their maximum Health.
  • After using Hamstring, The Butcher's next 3 Basic Attacks within 5 seconds deal an additional 15% damage.
  • Hamstring's slow no longer fades out, and the duration is increased by 30%.
  • While below 50% of his maximum Health, taking damage causes The Butcher to become Enraged for 10 seconds, gaining 40% Attack Speed and 15 Armor, reducing damage taken by 15%.

    This effect has a 25 second cooldown.
  • Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant 5% increased Attack and Movement Speed for 3 seconds, up to 25%.
  • Furnace Blast explodes a second time 3 seconds after the initial explosion.
  • Lamb to the Slaughter now chains all enemy Heroes in range.
  • Basic Attacks deal 20% more damage and Slow enemy Movement Speed by 20% for 1 second.
  • Activate to teleport to a nearby location.
  • Hamstring [Q ]

    Mana: 40
    Cooldown: 4 seconds
    Deal 114 damage and slow enemies by 50% fading over 2 seconds. The Butcher's next Basic Attack will strike immediately.

  • Butcher's Brand [W ]

    Mana: 65
    Cooldown: 14 seconds
    Deal 38 damage to an enemy and Brand them for 4 seconds. The Butcher's Basic Attacks against the Branded target heal him for 75% of the damage done.

    Basic Attacks against Branded Heroes heal for double and extend the duration of the Brand by 0.5 seconds.

  • Ruthless Onslaught [E ]

    Mana: 55
    Cooldown: 15 seconds
    Charge at an enemy, becoming Unstoppable and gaining Movement Speed. If The Butcher reaches the target, they are stunned for 1 second and take 124 damage.

  • Fresh Meat

    Upon dying, nearby enemy Minions drop 1 Fresh Meat and enemy Heroes drop 20 Fresh Meat. Fresh Meat can be picked up to gain 0.5 Attack Damage per Meat. The Butcher loses 15 Fresh Meat upon dying.

    Quest: Collect 200 Fresh Meat.

    Reward: Gain an additional 125 Attack Damage and 25% increased Attack Speed. Heroes continue to drop 10 Fresh Meat, Minions no longer drop Fresh Meat, and Fresh Meat is no longer lost on death.

  • Normal Attack [A ]

    Attacks using the Hero's weapon

The Butcher
An unrelenting hacking echoed off the walls of the Cathedral and as Prince Aidan made his way through its depths, the sound only grew louder. There were no screams; just that dreadful sound... over and over.
Contaminated Butcher
An unrelenting hacking echoed off the walls of the Cathedral and as Prince Aidan made his way through its depths, the sound only grew louder. There were no screams; just that dreadful sound... over and over.
Petrified Butcher
An unrelenting hacking echoed off the walls of the Cathedral and as Prince Aidan made his way through its depths, the sound only grew louder. There were no screams; just that dreadful sound... over and over.
Reptilian Butcher
An unrelenting hacking echoed off the walls of the Cathedral and as Prince Aidan made his way through its depths, the sound only grew louder. There were no screams; just that dreadful sound... over and over.
The Butcherlisk
Abathur's newest creation was inspired by the tenacity of the hellish abominations he encountered in the Nexus. Its instructions were simple: Acquire fresh essence. Evolve.
Enraged Butcherlisk
Abathur's newest creation was inspired by the tenacity of the hellish abominations he encountered in the Nexus. Its instructions were simple: Acquire fresh essence. Evolve.
Festering Butcherlisk
Abathur's newest creation was inspired by the tenacity of the hellish abominations he encountered in the Nexus. Its instructions were simple: Acquire fresh essence. Evolve.
Grendel Butcherlisk
Abathur's newest creation was inspired by the tenacity of the hellish abominations he encountered in the Nexus. Its instructions were simple: Acquire fresh essence. Evolve.
Executioner Butcher
An executioner's hood hides their identity and discourages offended parties from seeking revenge. Of course, that won't be a problem for the Butcher.
Dark Executioner Butcher
An executioner's hood hides their identity and discourages offended parties from seeking revenge. Of course, that won't be a problem for the Butcher.
Toxic Executioner Butcher
An executioner's hood hides their identity and discourages offended parties from seeking revenge. Of course, that won't be a problem for the Butcher.
Iron Butcher
There are many Butchers within the Burning Hells, but only those who serve Duriel, the Lord of Pain, bolt plates of burning iron to their flesh.
Fel Iron Butcher
There are many Butchers within the Burning Hells, but only those who serve Duriel, the Lord of Pain, bolt plates of burning iron to their flesh.
Savage Iron Butcher
There are many Butchers within the Burning Hells, but only those who serve Duriel, the Lord of Pain, bolt plates of burning iron to their flesh.

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