Overview: A brilliant mind with a sunny disposition, Dr. Mei-Ling Zhou joined Overwatch to help solve the world's growing climate problems. Armed with a host of weather-altering technologies, Mei now fights to protect her friends and secure a future for a troubled world.
To learn of her announcement, the return of the Nexomania II event (with new skins), and how Mother Nature is playing a part in the next Nexus Anomaly click here.
Basic Abilities

Snow Blind (Q)
Throw a snowball that hits all enemies in an area. Enemies hit take 70 damage, are Slowed by 35%, and are Blinded for 1.5 seconds.
Cost: 35 Mana
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Blizzard (W)
Command Snowball to create a blizzard at the target location for 2 seconds. Enemies within the blizzard take 13 damage every .25 seconds and are Slowed by 7%, stacking up to 35%. When the blizzard ends, enemies within its area take an additional 75 damage and are stunned for 1.25 seconds.
Cost: 70 Mana
Cooldown: 14 seconds

Icing (E)
Slide quickly in the targeted direction. When this effect ends, enemies near Mei are knocked back, take 52 damage, and are Slowed by 80%, rapidly decaying over 1.5 seconds.
Cost: 70 Mana
Cooldown: 14 seconds

Cryo-Freeze (D)
Mei encases herself in ice, gaining a rapidly decaying Shield that absorbs up to 1104 damage. While active, this Shield grants Unstoppable and restores up to 35% maximum Health.
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Heroic Abilities

Avalanche (R1)
After .5 seconds, roll a massive snowball that consumes enemy Heroes in its path. At the end of its path, the snowball crumbles, releasing the consumed Heroes, dealing 220 damage and stunning them for .5 per Hero consumed.
Cost: 70 Mana
Cooldown: 65 seconds

Ice Wall (R2)
After a .75 second delay, create an impassible wall that traps enemy Heroes hit for 2.5 seconds. When the wall expires, trapped Heroes are slowed by 75% decaying over 3 seconds.
Cost: 60 Mana
Cooldown: 90 seconds
Level 1
Heavy Pack (Q)
Increases the duration of Snow Blind’s Slow by 100%. Each time Blizzard damages an enemy Hero, reduce the cooldown of Snow Blind by .125 seconds.
Ice Storm (W)
Every 3rd hit of Blizzard against enemy Heroes deals an additional 45 damage. Blizzard’s final stun damage is increased by 125% against all enemies.
Heat Transfer (Passive)
Basic Attacks against Rooted, Stunned, or Slowed Heroes deal 33% more damage. Each time Mei Stuns or Slows an enemy Hero she heals for 18 Health.
Level 4
Slushball (Q)
Snow Blind deals 50% increased damage and Structures hit are disabled for 3 seconds.
Cold Front (E)
If Mei enters her own Blizzard while Icing is active, the cooldown of Icing is reduced by 7 seconds and she gains 50 Mana.
Crystallize (Trait)
Reduce the cooldown of Cryo-Freeze by 15 seconds. Mei gains 50 Spell Armor while Cryo-Freeze is active and for 2 seconds after.
Level 7
Induce Hibernation (W)
Enemy Heroes inside of Blizzard’s area have their damage dealt reduced by 40%. When Blizzard ends, enemy Heroes within its area gain this effect for an additional 4 seconds.
Skating Away (E)
When Icing ends, grant Mei and nearby allies 20% Movement Speed and 50 Physical Armor for 3 seconds.
Backup Battery (Active)
Activate to remove all Roots and Slows and regenerate 20% of maximum Health over 2 seconds. The cooldown of this ability is reduced by 10 seconds each time Mei picks up a Regeneration Globe.
Level 13
Flurry (W)
While in her own Blizzard, Mei gains 50% increased attack speed and Blizzard’s cooldown refreshes 75% faster. If Mei is in her own Blizzard when it ends, gain these bonuses for 3 additional seconds.
Cooling Servos (Trait)
Basic Attacks Slow their target by 20% for 1.5 seconds. While Cryo-Freeze is active, Mei’s Basic Ability cooldowns recover 200% faster.
Polar Vortex (Passive)
Using an ability causes Mei to deal 24 damage a second to nearby enemies for 4 seconds. Enemy Heroes damaged by this effect also have their movement and attack speed Slowed by 20%.
Level 16
Fresh Powder (Q)
Snow Blind gains an additional charge and its range is increased by 33%.
Black Ice (E)
Icing’s Slow effect no longer decays over its duration. Icing deals 300% more damage to enemies very close to Mei.
Acclimation (Passive)
Each time Mei Slows or Stuns an enemy Hero, the damage she deals and healing she receives is increased by 1%, stacking up to 20 times. While at maximum stacks, Mei also gains 10 armor. Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 20
Cascade (R1)
Reduce the cooldown of Avalanche by 25 seconds. While traveling, Avalanche constantly launches a volley of untalented Snow Blind snowballs ahead of itself.
Shatter (R2)
When Ice Wall expires, trapped enemy Heroes hit take 210 damage and have their Armor reduced by 25 for 5 seconds.
The Big One (Q)
Every 15 seconds, your next Snow Blind has 66% increased area and 200% increased damage.
Flash Freeze (Trait)
Upon taking fatal damage, Mei instantly gains Cryo-Freeze. This effect has a 180 second cooldown.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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