▲ Mogu Fleshshaper is having his mana cost adjusted.
On Wednesday afternoon, the Hearthstone development team released a blog post detailing their most recent round of nerfs to their collectible card game and auto-chess game mode, Battlegrounds.
With the Descent of Dragons expansion launching a little more than a week ago, this round of nerfs is the fastest to come after a card set was introduced in the game's history. As "Shamanstone" has returned as a meme within the community due to the class's higher-than-average power-level, the development team moved quickly to even out the playing field prior to members of the company taking a holiday break in the upcoming days. While there are numerous cards in the current meta that individuals suspected would be targeted in this round of balance changes, three Shaman cards and one neutral power-house were hit.
Balance Changes
Corrupt Elementalist- Now costs 6 Mana (up from 5).
Sludge Slurper- Now has 1 Attack (down from 2).
Faceless Corruptor- Now has 4 Attack (down from 5).
Mogu Fleshshaper- Now costs 9 Mana (up from 7).
The Boogeymonster- Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4 .
Mechano-egg- Moved from Tavern Tier 5 to Tavern Tier 4.
The Beast- Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 3 .
Coldlight Seer- Moved from Tavern Tier 2 to Tavern Tier 3 .
Primalfin Lookout (changed last week)- Moved from Tavern Tier 4 to Tavern Tier 5 .
Nightmare Amalgam- Has been removed from the pool of available minions.
Brann Bronzebeard- Has been removed from the pool of available heroes.
Bartendotron- Has been added to the pool of available heroes.
The patch, scheduled to go live tomorrow afternoon/morning depending on your location, will undoubtedly shake up both formats as 2020 is right around the corner.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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