▲ Dame Hazelbark is coming to Hearthstone.
'Tis the season in Hearthstone!
On Tuesday afternoon, Blizzard Entertainment announced the return of their Winter Veil seasonal event for Hearthstone. Set to kick off on Wednesday, December 11 (the day after the upcoming expansion, Descent of Dragons goes live), players will be rewarded with a free Winter Veil Treat Card Back just for logging in during the three-week-long event (ends the 31st).

Eight days after the event is set to begin, players will gain access to the Winter Veil Wonder Bundle which, for the price of $24.99, includes thirty total card packs across five different expansions, a new Card Back and Druid hero named Dame Hazelbark.
Joining the current pool of selectable Druid heroes (Malurion Stormrage, Elise Starseeker, Shan'do Malfurion and Lunara), Dame Hazelbark's treant-esque appearance fits well with the theme of the upcoming expansion as numerous treant-related cards have been revealed thus far for the Druid class.

At the end of the blog post, the Hearthstone team referenced the status of Tyrande Whisperwind, the Priest hero whom players have been asking to return to the shop so she can be claimed. According to the post, "Well, she's coming, and soon. We will have all the details for you this Thursday!"
With another announcement looming later in the week, Winter is coming to Hearthstone and it's right around the corner.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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