Only half a month more, and then the Saviors of Uldum expansion will hit Hearthstone. On August 6th a total of 135 new cards will be introduced, shaking up the Hearthstone meta with new mechanics. However, it wouldn't be a proper build-up if there wasn't a card reveal season beforehand. We've already seen 20 cards so far, but the vast majority is still hidden. But not for long.
A total of 51 new cards are lined up, ready to see the light of day. As can be seen in the schedule below, taken from the Hearthstone website, there's quite a large amount of mummy content coming—not unsurprising when the expansion is set in the desert, amid pyramids.
Of course, the images below are only teasers. Who knows what else is hiding in the full card art?

Each card will be revealed by either content creators, game websites or other contributers. Usually genre sites like HearthstoneTopDecks and OutOf.Cards get the cards beforehand to so they can spread the news quickly, but this is not the case for the Saviors of Uldum expansion. It's a wait and see; which card are you looking forward to most?
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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