For Lucas “Rase” Guerra, the Latin American Hearthstone community is just where he wants to be. His best friends, practice partners and fans all feel comfortable in the relatively small, but extremely passionate niche they’ve found. In 2017 Rase tried qualifying for the Copa Américas – the largest tournaments in the region – and made it to the Spring edition. Back then, the tournament didn’t get much attention from the other continents.
But the world is different now than it was then. Blizzard overhauled its HCT system and turned what previously were local tournaments in prestigious Tour Stops – the Copa Américas included. Time for Rase to shine and show the world what he’s capable of. He flew through the Copa América Summer qualifiers and with little to no hesitation took the title. An attempt to claim a back-to-back title stranded in the Copa América Autumn failed, but he had still fought his way to the top half in the main event. Asserting his dominance over the Latin American region once more, he qualified for HCT Rio de Janeiro just a few weeks ago.
And now Rase is about to face off against the other regions’ cream of the crop at the HCT Summer Championships, where a top 4 finish will get him a ticket to the World Championships. We spoke to him before the event.
What is your goal in this tournament? How far do you think you can get?
Whenever I play in any tournament, I try to win it. I'm a really competitive guy, so my goal is always to win. But for this tournament if I just get to the top 4 I'd be really happy, because I want my spot at the World Championships. Of course I really want to win this. I think I can, my line-up is kind of ok. I would be in a better spot if I was placed in another group, but I think I can do it.
It would mean a lot to me to be the first Brazilian to make it to the World Championships. People always remember who the first one was, no one remembers the second. Personally, it would be amazing to go to the World Championships of two different games. I know there are a lot of people cheering for me in Brazil and they know I can make it. I hope I get good draws, keep calm and play well.
Which player would you say is your biggest threat at the HCT Summer Championships?
The only guy I don't want to face is Nalguidan because we're the two Latin American players here. It would be really cool if we both qualify for the World Championship - it would mean a lot for our region. As for the other guys: if they made it here they deserve it, they're all good. It doesn't really matter who I need to face.
I was a bit sad when I saw my group with two Miracle Rogues and two Recruit Hunters. Those are anti-Control decks and Control is what I play. There's not a single Priest in my group and my line-up should be really good against that. There is no Token Druid or any Aggro decks, so it was kind of sad. But I think my decks can do it anyways, because I have a couple of really good match-ups. I just need to face the right ones.
Apparently, XiaoT fears you most out of all competitors, partially because of your line-up and partially because you've been doing well. What are your thoughts on that?
Oh haha, I didn't know that. I don't know much about the Chinese and Asian guys. I just know my first opponent is Viper, I know what he likes to play and stuff like that. I was thinking about bringing a full aggro line-up to counter Viper's Miracle Rogue because I assumed he'd play it. But I didn't know anything about XiaoT and Tansoku, so I just tried to bring a line-up that would be good for the entire line-up.
Can you talk a little bit about the Quest Warrior you're bringing to the tournament? It's different from most lists, and it's not a popular deck to bring.
I was indulged to bring Quest Warrior or Control Priest, but the field [at this tournament] should be more Control-oriented, and Quest Warrior is good against decks like Big Spell Mage and Control Priest. I was assuming a lot of people would bring them. My version of Quest Warrior runs the Shieldbearers and Azalina Soulthief. As soon as I complete the Quest I want to use my Hero Power, and 1-cost Taunts sometimes allow me to complete the Quest and press my Hero Power in the same turn. With Azalina and Battle Rage I can refill my hand. With these cards match-ups like Warlock, which are supposed to be bad, are not bad anymore. I think the deck is fine, and this version is working out well for me.
Was there any deck that you were uncomfortable with when trying to prepare for this tournament, and ended up discarding?
When I'm preparing for any tournament I like to play a lot of ladder with many different decks, so I can feel comfortable with playing any deck. But when I was building my line-up with Perna, he told me: "If you're expecting a Control meta, why don't you bring Recruit Hunter?" But I tried Recruit Hunter, and I didn't like the deck. I don't know why. So Recruit Hunter was not an option because I don't feel the deck is that strong. So we excluded that.
It's safe to say you've had quite a great year so far Rase, why do you think this is happening now?
This year I joined my team, Red Canids, on which I play with Leomane and Perna. We are practicing a lot, which I think is the direct reason. We have a great group, practice a lot and make good line-ups for tournaments. We're always preparing well for tournaments.

All the tournaments you've done so well in thus far have been in Latin America. Has having more prestigious HCT tournaments in your region anything for you?
Yeah, I think this year is an improvement because the prize pool is bigger and we have opportunities to have other qualifiers online. Like, Perna played in the HCT Germany qualifier and got to go to the event. We're try-harding more now, because it's worth it for us. Last year we only had some tournaments in South America, and the prize pools weren't that good. It's a lot better now, and I'm
playing and practicing more.
The more tournaments you play, the better prepared you get. So all Latin American players are playing more in online qualifiers and everything. This whole thing is contributing to our good results. We also have more exposure now, because Copa América is global and people know who the good Latin American players are.
What do you think is working better for Hearthstone in Brazil compared to the last HCT year, and what do you think can still improve?
In Brazil we have some problems because, to many people, just League of Legends matters. The teams invest everything into that. This year, with more prize money and more Tour Stops, some teams started to look into Hearthstone again, wanting to make a team. But we still have a lot to improve. We are so far away from League of Legends.

Which decks have been your favorite and least favorite decks in Hearthstone history?
I really enjoyed Reno Warlock and Patron Warrior, those are my two favorite decks. But I just play any class that's strong at the moment. I just like to make the best line-up and try to win.
What do you do in your spare time, when you are not playing Hearthstone?
My father has a business in Brazil, so I help him with that. I also have a girlfriend for eight years now, and we like to travel, watch movies... I used to play football, tennis and Muay Thai, but I injured my knee for the second time so I'll have to undergo another surgery. So now I'm not doing a lot of sports. I like a normal life, I enjoy to do a lot of things.
You've had a past in Pro Evolution Soccer as a successful pro player. How does that help you in Hearthstone and this Summer Championship?
It can help me to keep calm and not get nervous on stage. At least, I hope so. I really like to compete and go as far as I can. I went to the PES World Championships, and since I've started playing Hearthstone I thought: "Why can't I do it at Hearthstone too?" So now I'm trying to reach it, and I'm so close.
I personally hope you stick with Hearthstone because you're doing very well, but since you've swapped games once already, is there another game you're eyeballing?
Nah, I stopped playing Pro Evolution Soccer because in my city we weren't having a lot of tournaments. So I started playing Hearthstone, and I liked it. I'm just curious about Artifact, which I will play for sure. But I don't know, I don't plan these things, they just happen.
Do you have any last words for the people at home?
Oh, ehm... I hope I won't disappoint everyone who is cheering for me. I practiced a lot this month, and I'm prepared enough to make it.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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