Three weeks after the Hearthstone development team released patch 21.2 that included a trio of nerfs to Warlock cards and a revamp to the Battlegrounds game mode, they're back at it again.
On Thursday afternoon, the game's social media team announced what some players had been expecting and others had been hoping for. Nerfs, buffs, reworks, and new content are scheduled to go live with patch 21.3 arriving on Tuesday, September 21.
While vague, Alec Dawson, a Lead Designer on the team, added some context to the upcoming balance changes in a tweet shortly after the announcement went live. According to Dawson, five cards will be nerfed within the Warlock, Shaman, and Demon Hunter classes; one Priest card will be redesigned; a Warlock card will be banned (from which format, we do not know); and seven cards will be buffed across classes that do not see as much play in the current meta (Hunter, Mage, Warrior).
Some suspect that Mindreader Illucia, a powerful disruption card that can lead to unfun playing experiences, may be the Priest card being redesigned next week.
The singular Warlock card being banned is likely a key cog in the Questline archetype that has spawned numerous Tier 1 decks across different game modes since The Demon Seed was introduced in the most recent expansion, United in Stormwind. If that's the case, it will be the third time this expansion that a round of nerfs targeting that archetype has been implemented in the last five weeks.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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