Hearthstone's Year of the Dragon is coming to an end soon. With the Descent of Dragons expansion as its closing chapter, Hearthstone is in the tensest 'expansion limbo' it can be in during the year. When the next expansion arrives, the three oldest expansions currently in Standard will become Wild-only. This means Standard players will say goodbye to The Witchwood, The Boomsday Project and Rastakhan's Rumble.
Fans of those expansions can still play around with their cards in Wild, but may not have many other cards in their Wild collection. The Hearthstone developers are offering some help for those unwilling to spend their hard-earned dust on crafting cards: the Wild Bundle has returned to the store. For $15 USD, you get a total of 24 card packs:
- 3 Classic packs
- 3 Goblins vs Gnomes packs
- 3 The Grand Tournament packs
- 3 Whispers of the Old Gods packs
- 3 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan packs
- 3 Journey to Un'Goro packs
- 3 Knights of the Frozen Throne packs
- 3 Kobolds and Catacombs packs
If you want to purchase the bundle, you'll have to be at least Rank 25 on Hearthstone's ladder. It's not clear exactly how long the card pack bundle will be up in the store.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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