Recent News
League of Legends
Dream: The other Rookie carrying V5 to LPL glory
League of Legends
LNG mid laner Doinb reveals LPL pros will "be fined" if they stream other games
League of Legends
YamatoCannon: "Ideas don't really function unless everyone commits"
League of Legends
KDF Teddy: "T1 had a long winning streak, and I'm happy that we were able to stop them."
League of Legends
T1's LCK winning streak stopped at 24
League of Legends
BDS Academy bot laner Crownie suspended 2 games for in-game behavior
League of Legends
LSB Dove: "Our comebacks are thanks to the decisive shotcalls of Croco."
League of Legends
Broxah: “Being someone who has been active with streaming, I couldn't avoid seeing all those comments. It got to me.”
League of Legends
Wemade’s MMORPG MIR4, to reveal new PVP content – Bicheon Heist
Tencent's largest shareholder dumps portion of stock as shares drop 2%
League of Legends
LEC Summer Split finals to be held in Malmö Arena, Sweden
League of Legends
Neon: “It's a disgusting feeling to want to compete but to just be losing. It's a feeling I never want to experience again”