Recent News
Heroes of the Storm
Despite cutting costs, HotS dev team is as dedicated as ever
League of Legends
Fnatic's YoungBuck, on the weight of expectations they face: "It's like the TSM syndrome: if you lose a game, you're almost front page of Reddit."
League of Legends
The Hottest LCK Match of the Season: Griffin vs SK Telecom T1
League of Legends
SB Ghost: "Let's praise the winning team instead of criticizing the losing team"
League of Legends
SB Joker: "I want to have a fun game with Griffin - playing an entertaining game for the fans to watch."
League of Legends
InSec, the Original Lee Sin Master, Says Farewell
League of Legends
IG TheShy on His Signature Champ: "I knew I’d win my lane when I saw my opponent picking Riven... I might use her on stage too."
Apex Legends
Despite recent Apex Legends patch, file editing graphic abuse still possible.
League of Legends
The Real Reason for Disciplinary Action Towards ROX Against Vaevictis in the LCL
Apex Legends
Apex Legends Patch nerfs Wingman and Peacekeeper -- buffs Gibraltar, Pathfinder, and Caustic hit box.
Houston Outlaws' Danteh: "Hopefully, by the time we see Tracer again, I'll be insane."
League of Legends
RNG Uzi: "Griffin is an extremely strong team. I don’t think they’ve met a team that’s stronger than themselves yet."