Recent News
League of Legends
KZ Rascal: "All our players can beat their opponents in their positions, whoever the opponent."
League of Legends
SKT kkOma: "I always have high expectations for Khan. He excels in all important factors of the game: team play, mechanics, and intelligence."
League of Legends
SKT Faker: "It seems GEN and AF who didn’t have good results last season improved a lot, while SKT and GRF's form isn't at the best yet."
League of Legends
SKT Khan: "Our start in the spring wasn’t that good either...In my opinion, we're a slow starter."
League of Legends
TL Doublelift discusses LoL Esports schedule post-MSI: "Not having a lot of time off sucks."
League of Legends
Mandie Roman talks IGEC 2019, gaming fashion, and the future of North American esports
League of Legends
GRF Viper: "Yuumi is a very annoying champion... She doesn't need to move, yet she can attack all day long."
League of Legends
GRF Chovy on Ucal: "I think today’s match wasn’t appropriate to decide who’s better between us."
League of Legends
GRF Sword on Playing Against Kiin: "I think the design of my glasses granted me the advantage. I’d like to thank my parents for recommending the design."
League of Legends
SB Summit: "I want to beat Griffin no matter what [this season]. They’re the only team we weren’t able to beat in the spring."
League of Legends
SB Dove: "She’s not as OP as she used to be... However, when HLE picked Yasuo - Gragas, I thought Akali was perfect."
League of Legends
GEN Peanut on KZ: "PawN has not been included in this Summer roster... wouldn't that make it a bit easier for us to win?"