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Immortal Fighting Games: How One of the Oldest Esports Genres Has Survived Generations
League of Legends
GGS Hauntzer: "Froggen and I are definitely top two in our respective roles."
Efficient, Organized, Happy: How to Engineer Teamwork Between Players
League of Legends
HU Chad Smeltz: "I'm a sucker for seeing people learn."
League of Legends
GRF Sword: "The Jayce nerf is quite noticeable. But thanks to it, he is now reliably getting through the ban phase."
League of Legends
GRF Viper: "It'd be fantastic to reach the Finals again and win."
League of Legends
HLE Sangyoon: "Yuumi seems pretty good, but I’m not sure if she’s actually good or not... Furthermore, Yuumi sucks in solo queue"
League of Legends
HLE SoHwan: "Because of MSI, there are a lot more picks that top laners are forced to practice now"
Heroes of the Storm
How the Heroes' community became heroes for one player
Meet the Designer Behind Latino-Inspired LA Gladiators' Alternate Jersey
League of Legends
KZ Deft: "In the recent metas, bot laners need to know how to play non-ADCs."
League of Legends
KZ Naehyun: "I came to the LCK to change the evaluations toward me."