League of Legends

[Worlds 2020] DWG BeryL: "Nuguri needs to die at least four times to be equivalent to any other top laner dying twice."



Source: LCK Broadcast


On day 6 of group stages in the 2020 LoL World Championship, DAMWON Gaming took down Rogue to go 5-0 in group B. While Rogue prepared unique strategies that consisted of lane swaps and Ryze mid, it was not enough for the LEC representatives to take down LCK’s #1 seed.


The support player for DWG, Cho “BeryL” Geon-hee, joined Jeesun Park for a post-match interview on the LCK broadcast.



DWG took down Rogue to continue the winstreak to 5-0. How do you feel?


We had a hunch that they would be lane swapping when Rogue locked in Sion, because we were victims of lane swapping gone wrong last year. We checked to see if they were lane swapping, and they did. While we were caught off guard a little bit, we knew how to deal with a lane swap, so it was okay.

Was Rogue focusing hard on Nuguri, to Larssen picking Ryze in the mid lane within the team’s predictions of Rogue’s strategy? How did the team deal with such a strategy?


All the teams we faced in the group stages were really keen on killing our top laner. However, Nuguri needs to die at least four times to be equivalent to any other top laner dying twice, so killing him once or twice is not enough to set him behind.


In terms of the Ryze pick, we did get caught off guard, and our coaching staff told us that since we didn’t expect the Ryze pick, we need to just outplay him to win. 

DWG only has one more match against JDG to go 6-0 in groups. Since DWG is playing on red side, how has the team prepared against them?


After JDG lost against us, they started to play the champions that they’re most comfortable in. I think we’ll do the same, and compared to the 1st round robin, the match will be a lot closer.

Many LCK fans are cheering for DWG at home. Can you please say something to the fans?


We only have one more match in groups, so we’ll work hard to get out of groups in 1st place. Thank you.

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