This is the full text of NAC eSports Staff (in NACE) 22/6/2017.

Kansas City, MO – The National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) is pleased to announce the approval of two institutions for membership in NACE, effective June 09, 2017. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and Georgia Southern University have joined NACE in anticipation of launching varsity esports programs for this coming academic year.
“We’re excited to welcome these outstanding institutions to NACE,” said Michael Brooks, NACE Executive Director. “Each of these schools are starting varsity esports programs in regions of the United States that so far have been excluded from the presence of varsity programs. I am certain that Embry Riddle and Georgia Southern will serve as trailblazers and guides to their peer institutions.
Embry Riddle will be hosting varsity teams in Counter Strike, DOTA 2, League of Legends, and Overwatch. Georgia Southern will be hosting varsity teams in Counter Strike, League of Legends, Overwatch, Rocket League and Smite.
"Our "Southern Collegiate Gaming" Students have impacted our campus in a tremendous way. To see their work recognized gives me great joy. It has been a five year process of pioneering our Esports Program and it is with great excitement that it becomes a reality with our University this August” said Kevin Williams, Esports Director for Georgia Southern University. “We have a long way to go but we believe that joining the NACE is a great first step as an official program. Having a governing body in which we can lean on, be held accountable by, as well as support is absolutely vital to the future of Georgia Southern Esports."
“Our esports organization is excited to be a part of the NACE. [Embry Riddle], as an organization, is always looking for ways to improve, compete, and prove that we are a strong esports college and NACE helps us do everything we are looking for” said Braxton Rod, Captain of the ERAU Prescott Gold Wings. “We hope to add more teams in the coming years not just in other games but also our lower division league of legends teams so they can compete and improve with the varsity team.”
The National Association of Collegiate eSports (NACE) is a nonprofit membership association and is the only governing body of collegiate esports in North America. NACE is developing the structure and tools needed to advance collegiate eSports in the varsity space. The groundwork being created is in areas such as: Eligibility, Path to Graduation, and Competition & Scholarships. NACE currently has 37 varsity esports programs as members, accounting for nearly all varsity programs across North America. NACE requires all active member institutions to be fully accredited by an authorized higher educational accrediting agencies relative to their region and/or national affiliations.
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