When Inven Global's culture department saw a cryptic tweet from 100 Thieves that featured a bunch of ominous satellite scraps and Call of Duty: Warzone merch, we knew we had to go see what was going on.
So if you weren't able to make it to 100 Thieves' Cash App Compound for this strange occurrence, don't worry. Here's what it was like dropping in on 100 Thieves' HQ and leaving with some Warzone-themed loot.

What is going on over there? We moved in a little closer to get a better view of the strangeness just outside of the compound. To build up the anticipation of what's beyond the gate, 100 Thieves put up a warning sign that explained that the site is "under investigation" by the Verdansk Intelligence Agency.

But first step? Get checked in. We had to go through security, including having our IDs checked and an official-looking security guy who used a metal wand detector to ensure we weren't cheating by dropping in with weapons.

The crash was definitely severe. Satellite parts were everywhere. Some guy in a heavy-duty hazmat suit was attempting to figure out what went wrong with the equipment but it looks like there's a lot of crap to deal with if they want this satellite functioning again. Meanwhile, what a great spot for a selfie.

Looks like the satellite was stuffed with 100 Thieves merch. But it was most likely contaminated with space stuff and radiation so nobody was able to get near it. What a waste of perfectly hype esports fashion.

We then made our way past a hydration station (full of water bottles in ice) to grab the merch from space. Some brave employee was willing to stand near the boxes of loot and hand them out, even though the Call of Duty's most dreaded weapon — the AK-47 — may be inside one of them.

The Inven Global culture squad with the loot.

And here it is: The loot. 100 Thieves' Warzone bag features an interesting map-like design and eye-catching red accents. The diagonal front zipper is a pretty sweet touch as well. Inside the backpack are some extra zippers where you can keep your wallet, keys, and other more valuable things you don't want to fall out when you're running around Verdansk.

This was a short and sweet and strange event that was worth going to if you are in the area. It could have used a bit more visuals and sounds to add to the atmosphere. And maybe even some small interactive games or photo opportunities. But who can complain about this interesting look into 100 Thieves' compound and some free Warzone merch? I mean, that's what most people came for. And it didn't disappoint.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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