What would all these recipe reviews be without a dessert to complete the meal? Welcome to the finale of our Overwatch: The Official Cookbook review series. We’ve traveled across multiple continents and celebrated Overwatch heroes as we’ve sampled breakfast, lunch, and dinner Overwatch style. Today’s review has us enjoying D.Va’s Bunny Hop Punch and Orisa's delightful sundae.
Both of these recipes require very little prep so they are easy to assemble after the hustle of creating one of our previous meals. We kick things off with Orisa’s Sundae. This ice cream-based dish is inspired by my favorite personal spray in Overwatch! It also brought me as much joy as it does Efi.

To get the full look of this spray you’ll need a proper parfait glass. I snagged this one at a thrift shop for $2. A shallow bowl or cup also works. The main portion of this dessert is chocolate ice cream which you’ll then decorate with fresh fruit, chocolate, and a waffle.
I wanted to use a Dutch Stroopwafel but my supermarket didn’t carry (boo hiss) so I went with these Pizzelle cookies. I found these in the fresh bakery section, not the cookie aisle. For Orisa’s eyes simply cut some small rectangles from a chocolate bar, a standard Hersey bar works great.

There’s no way in heck that bananas are going to stick straight into frozen ice cream so have some toothpicks handy to use as dowels. I also suggest scooping away a small amount of ice cream to fit in the kiwi slices. Add the rest of the elements and boom! Adorable, and delicious sundae!

We couldn’t do an Overwatch review and not include our favorite pro-gamer, D.Va. This recipe calls for fresh watermelon juice and a word of advice: You only need three tablespoons for a single serving. So unless you’re planning on creating this for a party, you can avoid buying an entire watermelon and just go with pre-cut slices from your grocery’s produce section. Same goes for the other melons used, cantaloupe, and honeydew.

I used these adorable cutters to create the bunny, heart, and star shapes. Do this a couple of hours before you want to enjoy the punch. You’ll use these as miniature ice cubes and adorable on-themed garnish for your drink. Simply cut from fruit and then let freeze for a few hours.

When you’re ready to enjoy, combine the soda and watermelon juice over ice, toss in some of your frozen fruit shapes, garnish with lime, and say cheers to a GG!

Orisa’s Sunday 10/10
Would eat again. I will admit I’m a bit bias here considering my love for this spray but this was super easy to assemble and who doesn’t love ice cream…?
D.Va’s Bunny Hop Punch 8/10
I’m docking a few points on D.Va’s punch for color. I feel some adjustments could have been made to make the punch pinker, rather than red in color.
Additionally, D.Va’s Nano Cola skin came out prior to the publishing of this cookbook which could have been a great inspiration for this instead. Overall though this punch was delicious and would make a great party drink for summer gatherings.
That's a wrap on our Overwatch: The Official Cookbook review series! We'll be reviewing more recipes, and creating some of our own, in the next few weeks so stay tuned.
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