Some of these recent weeks have surely felt like Hell, so we’ve been escaping from the busy news cycles with Hades, a game where you... escape from Hell. This week’s Fan Art Friday features a pantheon of incredible fan art based around characters from the game.
From the denizens of Hell to the boon-granting gods, there’s a little something for everyone in this collection.

Kicking the segment off is this digital painting from MiniMoss on DeviantArt. We love the way MiniMoss carries movement into the image through the floating, emberlike laurels on Zagreus’s head. Additionally, the warm colors throughout give a fiery vibe to the entire piece.

For those of you following our Fan Art Fridays, you know that I love me some AU/Casual fan art, and this concept from dianaiiz was right up my alley. Imagining three of the Greek gods as if they were taking a trip to the beach, we see Poseidon, Dionysus, and Aphrodite ready to catch some rays (and waves). Dionysus looks like they’re ready to get the party started with a couple of claws of cocktails, while Aphrodite has donned a hat for protection from UV rays.

One of our favorite duos in the game is Dusa and Meg. Their hilarious banter and venting in the lounge is the highlight of finding ourselves back at the beginning. This image from the master of usernames, dongoverlord, features the two sharing a bit of a nuzzle. While it’s not our OTP, we support it.

The composition of this piece from DeviantArt artist GloriaKitsune blew us away. The visual of Zagreus literally being hoisted out of Hell by the gods is powerful. We usually try to find any excuse not to draw hands in our artwork, but Gloria flexed hard putting hands everywhere.

FocuSHh was able to capture something special in this fan art of Nyx. There’s something oh-so magical about the blend of focal depth and lighting that makes this piece really stand out. The contrast between the golden adornments and the violet background also grant a sense of regality to the artwork.

We die to this duo way more than we should. However, that doesn’t stop us from enjoying this moment outside of battle from frostious. The Elysian Fields’ colors play throughout the illustration, with heavenly blues, pinks, and whites. The posing of the characters is also well-done, allowing a more human moment from the champions.

Bold colors immediately snag your attention in this stunning Ares illustration from SignoreRatto. The god of war is imagined in strong yet sharp lines, delivering almost a propaganda-poster feel. However, the star is the blood, appearing in an accent hue that demands attention, while being mirrored in Ares’ eye.

This good boy needed to be shared. Many thanks to bitonic for creating this wonderful pixel art of Cerebus. A simple, limited palette helps the art maintain a retro vibe; something we wouldn’t be surprised to see in a SNES game of years past. The beautiful attention to detail also gives a nod to hellfire in the fur of the guardian’s chest. Most excellent.
Looking for previous Fan Art Friday showcases? Check out Inven Culture's art page!
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