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KatKwo is a US-based cosplayer who brings your favorite anime characters, superheroes, and more to life. We had the opportunity to speak with her about her cosplay passion, the craft, and her inspiration for bringing video game and anime characters to life!
Recent characters cosplayed:
Ishtar/Fate GO
Azula/Avatar swimsuit
Zero (Anime)
And many more
What drew you to cosplay?
When I was a teenager I used to go to Comic cons with friends and really admired the cosplayers there. It really inspired me to dress up and become one of my favorite characters.
What characters do you have the most fun with?
I am not much of a handmade costume cosplayer. But for Ryze Whitebeard from League of Legends, it was a genderbend cosplay for me. I gathered different parts of the costume on my own. I actually ended up with a lot of fun putting the costume together. In the end, I am really proud of the completed look!

Is there a cosplay you are most happy with?
I am most happy with Bewitching Miss Fortune from League of Legends. First, I loved the costume and the two candlestick-guns I got to carry around. Second, I love the convention, it was my first time attending PAX East, and I had a ton of fun with friends. I was also blessed to have multiple photoshoots with some amazing photographers there, which really made me more proud of the cosplay!
What are some cosplay obstacles people may not know about?
Finances are a big obstacle for cosplaying. A good quality costume and wig can cost more than you think. A con badge, hotel, parking/flights, and food/drinks can all add up! Also, taking time off for multiple cons a year may be difficult for some people, especially since some fall on holidays.
Any advice for new cosplayers?
Decide on a con way ahead of time, that way you can score the advance badges with discounts, book con-reserved hotels, and find cheaper flight tickets. It also makes life less stressful when you have the majority settled ahead of time because there are always some unavoidable costume dilemmas! Know that nothing is perfect and don't get stressed out when your cosplay is not completely what you expected. Just go have fun and enjoy after all the hard work you have planned for this time.
Where can people see more of your cosplay?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Katkwo4/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katkwo4/

Find more cosplay in our main cosplay section here.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Comments :1
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