This is the full text of February 19th, 2019 press release.

#NAVINATION at IEM XIII - Katowice 2019

Since the founding of Natus Vincere, our players performed in Europe, the USA, Asia, visited over a hundred cities in tens of countries. Wherever a tournament takes place, we know for sure that an army of loyal fans awaits NAVI there.
You are the driving force of ours: you go through the ups and downs together with us, support us on social media, and watch the games no matter the time of day. NAVI CS:GO team will play at IEM XIII — Katowice 2019 in a renewed team outfit. Together with our partner, GG.BET, we’ve decided to put #NAVINATION hashtag on a title spot as a tribute to our fans.

After the conclusion of the event, we’re going to give away those outfits to the fans. Watch IEM XIII — Katowice 2019 games, support NAVI on social media, and follow the streams on Caffeine. The most active fans won’t go unnoticed. Together we’re #NAVINATION!
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