Johanthon “EliGE” Jablonowski, professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player for Team Liquid, took to Twitter on Monday to expose racist, sexist, and bigoted comments from various members of the Depth Esports CS:GO team, who formerly competed in the FACEIT Pro League (FPL).
Among other highly inappropriate comments made by the players, EliGE released screenshots of Depth players using of the slurs "n*****" and "f*****" on a Discord server.
After EliGE's tweets, Depth Esports released their entire roster and the FPL banned Shane, Snav, Dare, and Havok from competing in their league indefinitely. However, Esports Entertainment Association (ESEA) has not yet released an official response to the players' conduct.
The situation all started in the early hours of Feb. 8, 2021, when Twitter user sinxoxo released an in-game screenshot of Depth Esports players Snav saying “prob not raped as a kid” in a public CS:GO chat. The offensive comment elicited immediate outrage against Snav on Twitter.
Most notably, the tweet prompted a response from EliGE, who confirmed that he has had negative experiences with both Snav and other members of Depth Esports in the past. EliGE then released 28 screenshots of a Discord server in a Pastebin in a Twitter post of his own. The screenshots clearly show Depth Esports players Shane, Snav, Dare, and Havok engaged in extreme levels of homophobic, racist, and sexist language.
As a result, Shane, Snav, Dare, and Havok were banned from the Faceit Pro League circuit later that same day.
Soon after the removal from FPL, Depth Esports followed suit and released all players from their roster.
“Due to several behavioral issues coming out regarding our CS:GO team of Snav, Kel, Reck, Dare, Flush, and Shane, we will be releasing them from the organization immediately,” the organization explained in a Tweet. “We take the integrity of the organization very seriously. As such, we have made the decision to terminate their contracts.”
Although Depth released all of their players, not all of them were accused of wrongdoing. Both Reck and Kel received no penalty from the FPL, though they were still dropped from Depth along with the rest of their team.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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