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Horse Emblem: Black-Mane Black & Brown Spotted Horse
- Horse Emblem: Black-Mane Black & Brown Spotted HorseRegistration
- Weight: 0.01 LT
- Explanation : Shows ownership of the <Black-Mane Black & Brown Spotted Horse> at the stable.
It can be used after reaching Lv.8.
※ Using a Horse Emblem
1. Right-click the Horse Emblem and move to the designated stable.
2. Talk to the stable keeper and select the Stable menu.
3. Click on the Register Emblem menu and right-click on the Horse Emblem.
4. Enter the horse’s name and select confirm to register the horse.
5. Select the registered horse and click on the Find menu.
- Tax rate applied articlePrice : 7,000 S
Enhancement | X |
Dye | X |
Repair | X |
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