Item Transport system has been improved.
- Items can be transported from/to most towns except for the towns below.
- Items cannot be transported from : Valencia, Arehaza, Port Ratt, Muiquun
- Items cannot be transported to : Arehaza, Muiquun, Port Ratt
Red Battlefield has been improved.
- Red Battlefield reward has been buffed.
- Victory : 6 million silver
- Loss : 4 million silver
- The amount of Combat/Skill EXP you can get from Red Battlefield has increased.
- Skill EXP : increased by 100%

You can craft more Red Battlefield Crystals with the Red Tokens, which you can obtain in Red Battlefield.

AP/DP limit for limited Red Battlefield has changed.
- AP Limit : 200
- DP Limit : 250
- AP + DP : 450
When you create a character, 5 recommended skills will be automatically added to quickslot #3 to #7.

- Skills you haven’t learned will still be added, and will be active when you learn the skill.
- You will be able to change the location of the slots.
The maximum number of War Heroes that can participate in the Node War has been set.

Matchlock mechanics have been improved.
- All Matchlocks (Quest Matchlock, Hunting Matchlock, and Trina Matchlock) will have the same mechanics. Also, Matchlocks can now be loaded while you are moving.
- Bullet UI will be displayed when you equip Quest/Hunting Matchlock. (Same UI as the Trina Matchlock Bullet UI)
- The maximum times you can fire a Matchlock has increased from 2 to 3. (Applied to mounted combat as well)
Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log Volume 11 to 15 have been added.
- Igor Batali’s Adventure Log Volume 11 to 15 includes his adventures in Valencia, the “land of gold” beyond Mediah.
- You can start Volume 11 after completing Volume 10.
When Arduanatt lands by pressing S while using Wings of Wind/Wings of Freedom, he will land immediately without jumping into the air.
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Comments :3
level 2 Primm
It would be great to have more information on Bartalis Log 11-15 soon :) But I guess people need to finish 10 first on the global lab to be able to see it
level 1 Kapi_Heartlilly
Need more of that Bartailis log information!-
level 2 Primm
@Kapi_HeartlillyI wonder if it's even possible to get more information. Is there anyone who finished Bartali Log Vol 10 on the test server?