New event: True or False - Your Choice
- From March 28th to April 3rd
- Complete a quest everyday and choose True or False.
[New Content]
Deve’s Encyclopedia has been added.
- You can complete collection by adding different items to Deve’s Encyclopedia. You can find Deve’s Encyclopedia in the Adventure Log menu.
- You can add items to the collection by talking to NPC Deve while having the necessary item in your inventory.
- For example, if you need 7 kinds of rough metal for the collection, you must have 7 different rough metals (at least 1 for each kind). For some collections you must guess the items you need.
- You will get bonus stats (Max HP, weight limit, etc) that will affect every characters in the family. You can also get some hidden rewards.
- Deve’s Encyclopedia will open after completing the Black Spirit quest “Encyclopedia: Left by either a genius or a fool”. The quest will be available after completing Mediah main quests and Awakening quests.
[Node War/Conquest War]
Max durability of Node/Conquest War annexes has increased by 20%. (Except for Siege Defense Towers)

Damage of Node/Conquest War weapons has increased.

[All Classes]
The character can now change directions naturally while auto-pathing.
The character can now swim while recovering Stamina by pressing Q.
Fixed the issue where some icons in the skill guide were not properly displayed.
Fixed the issue where Flow: Final Strike did not deal any damage in PvP when the Berserker has learned Ultimate: Fierce Strike.
Fixed the issue where the damage of Ultimate: Fierce Strike was not reduced during PvP.
The graphics of Tearing Arrow have been improved.
[Musa and Maehwa]
Fixed the issue where certain hits in Divider V did not deal any damage during PvP when Tiger Blade is on.
Decapitation V will deal extra hit damage during PvP.
[Wizard and Witch]
Fixed the issue where the staff was still visible in non-combat stance.
Fixed the issue where jump attack in awakening stance did not deal damage during PvP.
Black Star Shortsword will have improved looks.
You can now receive the Items you got from Black Spirit’s Adventure from Black Spirit’s Gift Box.
The duration of Kragdalo Horse Gear buff has increased from 10 minutes to 30 minutes.
Altinova 7-1 Tier 4 Refinery (Lump of Pure Mana) has been removed.
- The silver spent to upgrade the house will be returned to you.
Lump of Pure Mana will be able to be collected from Star Grave Excavation Node.
- Lump of Pure Mana is a material for Flawless Magical Black Stone, which is an enhancement material for Black Star weapons.
Worker Small Nose can now work at nodes other than farms.
One of the rewards for the quest [Level 40] The Real Adventure Begins has changed from Horse Emblem: Level 40 Reward to Finto’s Sweet Carrot Juice.
Golden Pig’s Blessing will be given to as a scroll. You can now use the buff when you want to use it.
Worker Contract: Small Nose will be a yellow-grade item.
Worker Contract: Small Nose can be sold to NPC vendors.
Expiration date for Fat Catfishman summon scroll has been removed.
Fiery Nouver/Kutum Ra’ghon can be sold to NPC vendors.
Sycreeth’s Song can be sold to NPC vendors.
Chance of looting Lump of Pure Mana from all monsters has been doubled.
Chance of looting Lump of Pure Mana from the monsters in Star Grave has increased by 6 times.
Animations of Red Nose summoned during the Black Spirit quest “Red Nose in the Dark” have been improved.
The duration of the DP debuff that you get when you are attacked by Remains of Corruption has decreased to 5 seconds.
Revenge Ogre monster summoned during the quest “Blade of Revenge” will despawn after a certain hour passes even when the monster is not killed.
[Quest and Knowledge]
New family quest to get a Tier 5 male Horse has been added.
- Proof of Secret Guardians
- After completing the Calpheon main quests, you can accept the quest “Proof of Secret Guardians” from Martha Kiyen.
- The horse will have Sprint and Instant Accel with 100% skill training meter.
New quest where you have to carry a wagon from Northwestern Gate to Southwestern Gate has been added.
The navigation for the quest “An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth!” will be closer th NPC Sara.
Characters that start their adventures in Ancient Stone Chamber will be able to complete the quest “Essential for Adventure”.
Players going through the renewed questline will not be able to receive the quest “Dying Abun”.
“Unknown Sea, the History of Margoria” quest chain has been renewed.
If you have completed the quests “Completed Map, Toward the Ancient Shrine” and “Treasure of the Ancient Shrine I to VI”, you can accept the quest “Things you found, things you couldn’t find” from NPC Katio in Nada Island.
- NPCs in Nada Island who used to be “Katio Pirates” will now have names.
- Knowledge related to the quest chain has been renewed as well.
The location of the following NPCs has changed, so you can find them easier.
- Sagotts, Batermann, and Yiscule
The navigation for the quest “Lema Borne and Lancelot Bartali” has been improved.
Conditions to start City Herald’s Log have been added.
- Must have Knowledge of NPC Rubin, and level 56 or higher.
More Weasel, Fox, and Wolf have been added the the sub-quests Self-Sufficiency at Western Camp #1 to #3.
Debris of the Rift has been added to the item drop list for Dark Rift.
The message that is displayed on the Dark Rift window when the Dark Rift is not summoned has changed.
In order to improve game performance and environment, some UIs will not take memory anymore.
Black Spirit emoji window has been redesigned.
New icon for new and returning players has been added.
- You can hover over to the icon to see when you can enter the growth server.
- The icon will be displayed on the spot where the Value Pack icon is displayed.
Fishing mini game image has been improved.
Fishing description will not go over the description box anymore.
Black Spirit’s Gift Box has been redesigned.
- You can now find what the reward is for. (House Fame Fund, Shadow Arena, etc.)
The scroll bar in the chat window will move more smoothly.
Level restriction for skill guide widget has been removed, so the guide will open during the combat tutorial (defeating grey foxes).
New icon that will indicate the main quests has been added to the quest button within the NPC dialogue menu.
Fixed the abnormal scroll bar in the Pearl Shop after going to the Pearl Shop by clicking on the “Find in Pearl Shop” button in the Central Market.
Fixed the abnormal graphics that occurred when you hover over to an empty inventory slot.
When you are trying to enhance TRI (III) or higher gear, Black Spirit icon will be displayed in the Enhancement window.
- Click on the Black Spirit icon to see what the Black Spirit has to say.
- The Black Spirit’s lines will not affect the success rate.
Adventure Log menu has been redesigned.
- The condition to accept the Adventure Log that you haven’t started yet will be displayed.
Fixed the wrong description about Energy and CP in the War Hero tab.
Fixed the alignment of required level and required skill points in the descriptive tooltip that is displayed when you hover over to the skills that you haven’t learned.
Fixed the awkward alignment of quest widgets.
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
The NPCs that appear during the quest “What’s Wrong with that Guy?” has moved to the Watchtower broken bridge.
The objects near Abandoned Mine will be visually more clear.
Black Spirit’s guide during the tutorials has been improved.
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Comments :4
Best Comment
level 30 Yullie
@PrimmFor Deve's Encyclopedia you have to collect different items like rough metal, gold bar, flower, furniture, etc. There are 4 to 5 collections in one chapter, and there are multiple chapters. Some of the known tasks and rewards are Max HP +1 for 7 kinds of rough metals, Max HP +1 for 4 kinds of coins, and Max HP +1 for 5 kinds of gold bars.
level 2 Primm
Thanks for the quick translation!
It would be great if someone could hand out the information on Deve's Encyclopedia as soon as it's known. Rewards and tasks :)
level 30 Yullie
@PrimmFor Deve's Encyclopedia you have to collect different items like rough metal, gold bar, flower, furniture, etc. There are 4 to 5 collections in one chapter, and there are multiple chapters. Some of the known tasks and rewards are Max HP +1 for 7 kinds of rough metals, Max HP +1 for 4 kinds of coins, and Max HP +1 for 5 kinds of gold bars.
level 30 Yullie
@Primmand here are some of the known tasks:
Flower (10 kinds)
Chairs (7 kinds)
Beds (3 kinds)
Chandelier (3 kinds)
Artisan's Stuffed Animals (3 kinds)
Coral (3 kinds)
Items related to Ogre (Ogre Ring, Ogre Blood, Soiled Ogre Ring, Ogre Excrement)
level 5 That_Guy
Would be awesome if we could get info on this new Deve's Collection, as well as the last one that was added. I think it was a Heralds Adventure? Please and thank you :D