[New Feature]
Horse Rental system has been added.
- You can now let other players to rent your horses or rent other players’ horses.
- You can rent a horse for 7 days by paying 100,000 silver. The owner can retrieve his/her horse at anytime.
- You cannot change the gear of the horse that you’ve rented, but the horse will have the bonus stats from the gear.
Damage number will be displayed in the Global Lab.
- In order to allow the environment for better testing, damage number will be displayed in the Global Lab.
- Damage number will be displayed in the Global Lab only.
[Shadow Arena]
Shadow Arena Tier system has been added.
- You can check your Tier icon at the Shadow Arena lobby.
- Rewards will be sent to you via Black Spirit’s Gift Box every time you reach a new Tier.
- Your score will continue to be accumulated even after you reach Diamond V, which is the highest Tier.
- You can only receive the rewards for reaching an new Tier once per Tier. However, Team Arena tier and Individual tier is separate from each other so you will be able to receive the tier reward for both Team Arena and Individual Arena.
- Tier will be reset when the new season starts.

New modes have been added in the Sharow Arena.
- Normal Mode : Same as the regular Shadow Arena
- Challenge Mode : Risk 300 points, get 10x more score each time you kill other player.
- Battle Mode : Risk 3000 points, get 10x more tier score, and get 10000 points when you win the first place.
Shadow Arena UI has been redesigned with the new Tier system.
- Tier icon, current score, and remaining score to reach the next tier will be displayed on the lobby screen.
[Fixes and Improvements]
Node/Conquest War weapons have been balanced.

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Comments :2
level 3 Banchou
Improvements to Node war annexes :)
level 4 Anna_Naito
wait...a horse rent system? And only 100k for 7 day? And the owner can take it back anytime? Wut?
Nice idea to rent Unicorn for Nodewar and then while fighting it disapeares back to the owner? Maybe we need more details....but I see a lot of problems with that.