Shadow Arena: Battle Royale Pre-Challenge (2nd week)
- From Feb 13th to Feb 27th
- Complete the Week 2 missions and the Shadow Arena Sudden Mission event to win special rewards!
New Event: PC Cafe Token event
- From Feb 21th to Mar 6th
- Play BDO in PC Cafe and collect PC Cafe Tokens! PC Cafe Tokens can be exchanged with in-game items.
AP/DP will increase by 1 when the character reaches level 56 and 60.
- Level 56 : DP +1
- Level 60 : AP +1
War Hero Ranking has been added.
- The score will be calculated based on number of victories and kills in Node War and Conquest War. (Score will be calculated differently in Node War and in Conquest War.)
- War Hero Ranking will be refreshed once per day 10 minutes after the Node/Conquest war is over.
New Boss Ronin and Ahib’s Griffon have spawned from the Dark Rifts in Kamasylvia.
- Kamasylvia Dark Rifts will open when at least one character in your account has completed the quest [Awakening Complete] Memories of the Past.
- Ronin : Hard
- Ahib’s Griffon : Very Hard
Pedro Jack’s Treasure Chest quest has been added.
- Pedro Jack has spent his whole life on the ocean before he mysteriously vanished, and the treasures he found are hidden in each territory.
Adventure Log Bookshelf has been added.
- You can now check your Adventure Logs without the item. Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log and Rulupee’s Travel Log can be sold to NPC vendors now.
The amount of Injury recovered naturally has changed.
- 10 in 5 seconds > 80 in 5 seconds
Weapon vendors and Blacksmiths in Calpheon and Serendia will now sell enhanced gear boxes.

The chance of obtaining Black Crystal Fragment from Gathering has been adjusted.
War Hero Contract will expire 10 minutes after the Node/Conquest War is over, instead of at 00:00. You will not be able to join a guild as a War Hero for 1 hour after the Node/Conquest War is over.
- Sunday to Friday : 23:00 - 24:00
- Saturday : 24:00 - 1:00
[Adventure Log and Travel Log]
New Adventure Log is ready to go live, but we would like you to take a break this week. New Adventure Log will be updated soon.
As Adventure Log and Travel Log can be used from the Adventure Log Bookshelf, the following quests will not give the related items.
- Adventure Log : Traces of a Great Adventurer
- Travel Log : Traces of a Courageous Traveler
As Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log can be used from the Adventure Log Bookshelf, some of the quests related to the item will be unavailable.
[All Classes]
The base AP of the classes that have lower base AP compared to other classes has increased.
- Berserker : Base AP in level 1 to 60 has increased by 1
- Tamer and Wizard : Base AP in level 1 to 50 has increased as below.
- Level 10 : Base AP increased by 9
- Level 20 : Base AP increased by 8
- Level 30 : Base AP increased by 6
- Level 40 : Base AP increased by 3
- Level 50 : Base AP increased by 1
Fixed the issue where the summoned creatures dealt abnormal amount of damage when the weapon is switched to a specific weapon.
A new action where the character can jump over a low wall has been added.
- Space bar (jump) while sprinting (Shift)
Fixed the issue where the attack when switching from non-combat stance to combat stance dealt abnormal amount of damage in PvP.
Fixed the issue where the damage of jump attack was not reduced in PvP.
Fixed the issue where the AoE attack in Bos Skill (Shift + LMB) dealt abnormal amount of damage during PvP.
Fixed the issue where Flow: Heavenly Knot dealt abnormal amount of damage during PvP.
Fixed the issue where Absolute: Charging Slash did not deal bleeding damage during PvP.
Fixed the issue where the damage of the second hit in Absolute: Sideways Cut was not reduced in PvP.
Fixed the issue where the animation of Purificatione did not match the actual healing effect.
Fixed the issue where the graphics of Castigatio III and IV did not match the actual AoE of the skill.
Fixed the issue where the forward attack in Leaf Slash consumed 150 Stamina.
Fixed the issue where the Horn Box was visible while using Blooming.
Fixed the issue where the damage of Tiger Blade in Slice level V was not reduced in PvP.
Fixed the issue where Wind Slash I to IV dealt abnormal amount of damage during PvP.
Fixed the issue where the jump attack in Wind Slash (all levels) dealt abnormal amount of damage during PvP.
Fixed the issue where the jump attack in Wind Slash (all levels) dealt abnormal amount of damage during PvP.
[Wizard and Witch]
Fixed the issue where Staff Attack I (forward attack) dealt abnormal amount of damage during PvP.
The projectile speed of Righteous Smile has been doubled and the range has decreased by 17m.
Connecting to other skills after Righteous Smite/Black Spirit: Righteous Smile will be slower.
[Integrated Marketplace]
We have monitored the number of transactions made in a week for the following categories of items, and adjusted the maximum price of certain items in the categories.
- Gear, Accessories, Mount gear, Materials, Elixirs, Furnitures
[Shadow Arena]
Red Nose’s AP has decreased by 15%. Red Nose will now target the players that did not deal any damage to him.
Shadow Arena will be brighter.
The casting speed of Flame Ammo and Flash Ammo will be faster.
You can now move immediately after entering the spectator mode.
Fixed the issue where the sudden missions that are supposed to be displayed 5 or 10 minutes after the game starts were displayed immediately after the game starts.
[Quest and Knowledge]
Adventure Log : The reward for the quest “Traces of a Great Adventurer” has changed.
Travel Log : The reward for the quest “Traces of a Courageous Traveler” has changed.
The number of missions you have completed for Rulupee’s Travel Log will be displayed on the quest window.
You can now exchange Magical sub-weapons with a higher-grade sub-weapon by going through the new Mediah story quests.
The final quest objective NPC for the quest “Re-created Baut Slate” has changed to NPC Ain Greid.
For the quests where you have to summon a boss using a summon scroll have changed, you can now interact with the Dark Rift to summon the boss instead of using a summon scroll.
Karlstein Costume quest will be displayed on the “Recommended Quests” tab.
The location where Moghulis is summoned via Moghulis Summon Scroll has changed.
Descriptions for the quests where you have to pick a route have been improved.
Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log and Rulupee’s Travel Log can be sold to NPC vendors.
Descriptions about Gathering +1 have been added to the tooltip of Farmer’s Clothes.
The following items will be unavailable to be sold.
- Red Gem Studded Ornament
- Yellow Gem Studded Ornament
- Blue Gem Studded Ornament
- Opulent Pendant
Carmadun Owl Pet will not look for rare monsters if the pet skill is not on.
The following pet’s looting time has been adjusted. (10 seconds at level 1 / 4 seconds at level 10)
- Striped Cat
- Orange Brindle Cat
- Black Mask Cat
- White Shorthair Cat
- Spotted Valencian Cat
- Piebald Cat
- Gray Thin Cat
- [Event] Grey Moon Cat
- Brown Fighting Dog
The location of Ferrid summoned from the Dark Rift has changed to the outside of Omar Lava Cave.
Some geographical features in Cadry Ruins have changed and the monsters on the changed geographical features have been removed.
New patterns are added to Abandoned Mine Executioner and some patterns have changed.
- Base attack speed has increased, and cooldown has decreased.
- Will summon Imp Work Supervisor and Troll Work Supervisor when his HP drops below 50%.
Rulupee’s Travel Log missions will be refreshed without reconnecting to the game after completing one.
Rulupee’s Travel Log mission progress will be displayed on the screen.
Fixed the issue where the Guild Apprentices that are being protected could not receive guild bonus when they are promoted to regular guild member.
Node War area around Olvia has become smaller so Balenos army cannot build Node War Fort and annexes on certain rocks.
[Resolved Issues and Improvements]
Fixed the abnormal location of some monsters in Sausan Post.
The quest icons on top of the NPC’s head will be in different colors based on the type of the quest. (Family/Character/Daily)
Dark Rift icon will always be displayed on the top right corner of the screen.
If you have not completed the Dark Rift quest, the preconditions will be displayed on the Dark Rift UI.
Low durability notification will not be displayed when the durability of an unrepairable item is low.
Higher-grade gear notification will not be displayed when you are equipping Life Skill Mastery gear (Manos Accessories).
The size of the scroll bar and the text alignment for all windows are improved.
Enhancement Stack Extraction button will not appear when you are using the Devour function while having Blacksmith’s Secret Book.
Levels of the boss monsters summoned from the Dark Rift will be displayed on the Dark Rift icon.
Fixed the issue where the boss monsters from the Dark Rift endlessly summoned minions.
Fixed the issue where Ancient Puturum from the Dark Rift would despawn after 2 and a half hours.
Fixed the issue where you could climb up the tower in the middle when you use Elixir of Swiftness.
Fixed the issue where you could use Ballista immediately after falling over and getting back on the Ballista again regardless of cooldown.
Fixed the issue where the weight gradually increased while on a ship.
Fixed the issue where the Maid/Butler did not disappear after opening the Integrated Marketplace.
Fixed the issue where you were able to switch to characters that are below level 5.
When a guild member is speaking through guild voice chat, the mike icon of the person who is speaking will be highlighted.
The Inventory will be refreshed when you purchase an item from the Pearl Shop while the Inventory window is open.
Fixed the issue where the size of certain UIs could not be changed.
You cannot receive Adventure Log and Travel Log again from Clara Siciliano anymore.
Fixed the issue where wild horses could not be captured in some occasions.
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Comments :1
level 1 Primm
Can someone enlighten us what kind of rewards and tasks Rulupee's Log has?