The Sweetest Gift in the World
- From Feb 13th to Feb 27th
- Make Valentine’s chocolate
Shadow Arena: Battle Royale Pre-Challenge
- From Feb 13th to Feb 27th
- The last challenge in the Shadow Arena pre-season
EXP and Black Stone Boost Hours
- From Feb 13th to Mar 20th
- Enjoy Combat/Skill EXP boosts and Black Stone drop rate boost
Lunar New Year’s Pearl Shop Sales - Week 3
Mount and Training EXP Boost event
- From Feb 13th to Feb 27th
- Training exp +100% and Mount exp +100% for 24 hours
[Shadow Arena]
Shadow Arena Sudden Mission has been added.
- E.g. Defeat 2 Mystics
- The chance of getting a Sudden Mission will be 13%. One random mission among multiple missions will be given to you.
- You can check if you got any sudden missions when the battle begins, right after possessing a character, or when a certain time passes after the battle has begun.
- Some missions cannot be completed until the end of the battle. (e.g. Play one game of Shadow Arena without killing any other Adventurers)
- When you complete the sudden mission, you can get 1 to 3 Resplendent Black Rocks depending on the difficulty of the mission.
Shadow Protection Tower has been added.
- Shadow Protection Tower will attack the players.
- You can get powerful buffs by destroying the Towers
- Jars will not appear in the Shadow Arena anymore.
When a game is full (50 players), Shadow Arena will start in 10 seconds.
- A message “Shadow Arena will start soon” will be displayed at the top of the screen when there are 50 players in a game.
Survival Timer will be displayed at the bottom of the mini map.
Weapons can be equipped when your character is not in the waiting stance.
A button to purchase Blessing of Kamasylve has been added in the Shadow Arena Reward window.
Locations of some windows has changed due to the addition of Sudden Missions.
Rulupee’s Adventure Log has been added.
- Just like Igor Bartali’s Adventure Log, you will be given certain achievements to complete.
- You need to complete certain number of quests to complete Rulupee’s Adventure Log. (Daily and repeated quest do not count.)
- You can receive Rulupee’s Adventure Log from the Black Spirit when you reach level 55.
- If you lost Rulupee’s Adventure Log, talk to Clala Siciliano in Calpheon to get one more.
- If you complete the achievements, you can get additional rewards from the Black Spirit.
You can now confess your feelings to more NPCs.
- Afuaru (Valencia), Ahon Kirus (Tarif), Captain Moguly (Stonebeak Shore), Manmehan Nesser (Valencia), Saya Nesser (Valencia), Sanmyoung (Port Ratt), Soryu (Port Ratt), Amerigo (Heidel), Deve (Altinova)
The money you earn from the Horse Market and the Breeding Market will increase in accordance with your Training level.

New Siege Weapon Ballista has been added.
- You can purchase Ballista Factory from the Guild Shop
- You can obtain Ballista Assembly Kit 15 minutes after activating the Ballista Factory.
- Activating the Ballista will cost 10,000 silver (deducted from guild money)
- Ballista ammo can be manufactured with 15 Margoria Dark Iron, 12 Titanium Ingot, and 30 Black Stone Powder.
- Ballista can only be used in Calpheon, Media, and Valencia Conquest War and by the attacking guild/alliance.
- Ballista Factory takes 5 spaces.
- Placed Ballista will be retrieved when the conquest war ends.
- Ballistas will deal high damage to castle game and characters, and will take a lot of damage from Elephants.
Flame Towers and Hwachas can be upgraded during Conquest/Node war.
- Flame Towers and Hwachas can only be upgraded when there is a Tier 3 or 4 Node-exclusive Fort/Command Post/Field HQ.
- You can start upgrading them using the necessary materials, just like upgrading the Barricades.
- Oil and Hwacha Arrow in the Flame Tower/Hwacha will be gone when you upgrade them. You need Upgraded Flame Tower Oil and Upgraded Hwacha Arrow to use the upgraded Flame Tower/Hwacha.
- Upgraded Flame Towers/Hwachas have 50% more durability and 20% higher defense. They will also deal 30% more damage.
- Upgrade Materials: 100 Steel, 50 Melted Platinum Shard
- Upgrade process will take 90 seconds. (Will take less time depending on the character’s life skill level.)
The maximum level you can get free resurrection has increased from level 10 to level 15.
The prerequisite quest before the Dark Rift has changed to [Adventure Complete] Journey in Mediah to [Awakening Complete] Memories of the Past.
Valencia Dark Rift will open even if you did not complete [Adventure Complete] Journey in Valencia.
Boss monsters from the Dark Rift will be weaker as time passes. (Maximum of 4 phases)
- The reward will be the same.
[All Characters]
The damage of all skills that can be learned between level 1 and 55 has been adjusted. (Including basic attack)
Swimming animation while underwater has been improved.
Fixed the abnormal animation that occurred when getting off from a horse while not equipping a main weapon.
Piercing Spear cannot be used anymore when the skill is on cooldown.
Fixed the issue where the jump attack for Absolute: Slash did not deal damage properly.
Skill damage adjusted: Slash

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

Skill damage adjusted: Bow Skill

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

Skill damage adjusted: Dark Split

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

Lava Piercer can now be used with quickslots
Skill damage of Absolute: Falling Rock has increased.
- 691% x 2 > 776% x 2
Skill damage adjusted: Elastic Force

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

Skill damage adjusted: Valkyrie Slash

Skill damage of Absolute: Charging Slash and Absolute: Sideways Cut has increased.
- Charging Slash: 524% x 2 > 1074% x 2
- Sideways Cut: 400% x 2 > 1048% x 2
Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

Skill damage adjusted: Leaf Slash

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

The invincibility frame in Evasive Movement I will work in PvE only.
[Musa and Maehwa]
Skill damage adjusted: Slice

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

[Kunoichi and Ninja]
The falling animation will be displayed after using Flow: Sky Stepping in awakening stance. (Kunoichi)
Skill damage adjusted: Wind Slash

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

[Wizard and Witch]
Fixed the issue where the number of monsters Magic Lighthouse is aggravating was refreshed in some occasions.
Skill damage adjusted: Staff Attack

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

[Dark Knight]
Skill damage adjusted: Kriegsmesser Training

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

Skill damage adjusted: Heavy Fist

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

Skill damage adjusted: Heavy Fist

The falling animation will be displayed while using Sea Burial, Flow: Sea Burial, and Spiral Torpedo.
Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

Skill damage adjusted: Moondance

Damage of the following skills has been adjusted.

The cooldown of Lutraghon’s Call III and IV has decreased by 1 second.
Connecting to Luthraghon’s Call after the 2nd hit in Winged Strike and the backward attack in Winged Strike will be easier.
Connecting to Luthraghon’s Call after the 3rd hit in Glissade will be easier.
Connecting to Luthraghon’s Call after Full Bloom will be easier.
The Archer can now use Meteor Dive while moving backward by pressing space bar when airborne while using Zephyr Leap.
Glissade combo will be faster.
Flow: Light’s Trail will not be slowed when the skill is on cooldown.
The camera will spin faster when using Righteous Smite.
Fixed the issue where the extra hit of Ravenous Talon did not deal damage properly.
[Integrated Marketplace]
When you click on the current price of an item, the price will be selected as your desired selling/buying price of the item.
Simple hotkey descriptions have been added to the Integrated Marketplace button in the Maid/Butler list and the sell/purchase button in the Marketplace Storage.
You can move to the previous page by pressing the backspace key or by right-clicking on a selected item in the Integrated Marketplace.
The price of the following items will change more according to supply and demand: certain types of gear, Young Crimson Dragon, certain types of Elixir, Cooking/Alchemy Tool, certain types of mount gear
The location of some Desert Fogan Gatekeepers has changed.
Quint and Muraka will appear one additional time every week. (Friday 23:15)
HP and AP of the following boss monsters have increased: Abandoned Iron Mine Executioner, Illezra’s Puppet, Skeleton King, Awakened Black Spirit
[Quest and Knowledge]
Main Quests in Mediah have been renewed.
- You can choose one of the two quest routes from after completing the Abandoned Iron Mine quests.
- First Route: Your character will be a member of the Shroud Knights and will chase after Illezra. You can also read stories about the loyal blood of Mediah.
- Second Route: You will help Shen Merchant Association in rebuilding Mediah
- If you are already in the middle of the old Mediah quest chain, you can still finish the old quests and start the new quest chain by talking to Herman Feresio in Calpheon.
New Black Spirit quests to help your progression and the new Mediah quests have been added.
New Black Spirit quest [Awakening Complete] Memories of the Past has been added. You can complete the quest by Awakening your character. You can start fighting the boss monsters from the Dark Rift after you complete the quest.
New sub-quests centered around the three legendary blacksmiths of Mediah have been added. (Level 52 or above)
You can get Loure’s Lost Gloves and Shoes by completing the Calpheon main quests.
New Mediah quests to get enhanced Asula Accessories have been added.
- Defeat Abandoned Iron Mine monsters: DUO Asula’s Crimson Eye Necklace
- Defeat Wandering Rogue Den monsters: DUO Asula’s Crimson Eye Ring
- Defeat Helms Post monsters: TRI Asula’s Crimson Eye Earring
- Defeat Elric Shrine monsters: TRI Asula’s Crimson Eye Belt
Titles of certain main quests have changed to avoid spoilers.
Names of the following monsters in Bashim Base have changed.
- Kraad Infantryman > Teruda Infantryman
- Kraad Thrower > Teruda Thrower
- Kraad Reinforced Infantryman > Teruda Reinforced Infantryman
- Kraad Bandsman > Teruda Bandsman
The Helms monsters in the lowest floor of Helms Mine have been removed.
The location of the Helms Golem in the lowest floor of Helms Mine has changed.
Upper gear acquisition notification has been added.
A notification will be displayed when you have obtained a gear that has higher AP/DP than your current gear.
New UI will be displayed when you have to select a quest route.
- You can read a brief summary of each route.
- The UI will close when you select a route.
- The UI will appear again when you cancel the route.
- You cannot go back and complete the other route once you have finished one route.
When you close the War Hero contract window, the invitation will be canceled.
Fixed the issue where joining a guild as a War Hero would reset your guild activity.
A new outlining will be displayed when you join a guild as a War Hero.
List of the Heroes of the Battlefield will be displayed on the Node/Conquest War Status tab in the Guild window.
Guild members that are on Leave of Absence and Guild Apprentices will be listed on the Guild Alliance member status as well.
An icon indicating that you cannot obtain any items will be displayed at the right side of the party widget if the difference between the highest level and the lowest level in a party is more than 10.
Mercenary’s Experience and Mercenary’s Skill scrolls are reworked.
- The cooldown will be 1 hour.
- Mercenary’s Experience 100%, 200%, and 600% scrolls will share cooldown.
- Mercenary’s Skill 15%, 30%, and 90% scrolls will share cooldown.
A new function where you can click on trash loot items to see the navigation to the nearest general goods vendor has been added.
Parties will not disband after disconnecting, changing character, or changing server.
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
NPCs will express their emotions with more animations during the main quests.
The animation of the NPCs during the main quest has been improved.
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Comments :4
level 1 deathtrip
why did they remove the monsters of the lowest floor in Helms Mine ???
level 1 Vrain
What are the bonuses we get from Rulupee's Adventure Log?
level 1 Sescho
Upgrade process will take 90 seconds. (Will take less time depending on the character’s life skill level.)
my question is what life skill level will affect the time ?