On November 14th, a new costume for male classes has been added to Black Desert Online KR. The Lion King costume was initially introduced by Beom Kim, the costume illustrator at Pearl Abyss, as a piece of concept art and is the first costume in the game designed by Kim.
The Lion King costume is a metal armor with a helmet that looks like the head of a lion. The mane around the helmet and the red eye captures the might of the king of beasts. Half of the character’s face shows and the red eye glow disappears when you open the facial guard; the body of the character is fully covered with golden metal pieces and tight metal chains.

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Comments :2
level 2 Nakrast
Just another good looking, yet poor quality outfit, hard pass for me, since the cloth piece is attached to the legs (cmon, it's 2018, they could at least be consistent with the quality of their outfits).
Not worth the 29euros/dollars (imo). -
level 1 Keykpo
Gogo power rangeer