New Event: 10 million registered users!
- From Oct 31st to Nov 28th
- Meet the special attendance rewards and quests celebrating 10 million registered users worldwide.
New Event: Special Package in celebration of 10 million registered users!
- From Oct 31st to Nov 21st
- Meet the discounted package in the Pearl Shop.
Ongoing Event: Master of Life (4th week)
- The event has been extended.
- 4th week will feature events for Training.
Fixed the issue where the animation of female characters was awkward when they are moving backward while crouched.
Fixed the issue where the hair color of male characters was awkward when wearing Yianaros Helmet.
Flow: Ankle Break will have Critical hit chance +50% in PvE on successful hits.
PvE damage of Merciless has increased.
- I : 1027% x 3 > 1130% x 3
- II : 1110% x 3 > 1277% x 3
- III : 1190% x 3 > 1547% x 3
- IV : 1252% x 3 > 1753% x 3
Fixed the graphical awkwardness of Pila Fe Outlaw outfit when the durability is low.
PvE damage of Promptness will increase by 10% and will hit 2 more times if the skill is used when it’s not on cooldown.
- 1328% x 2 > 1460% x 4
PvE damage of Castigatio has increased by 50%.
- I : 1,2 hits 462% x 2, 3 hit 462% x 3 > 1,2 hits 693% x 2, 3 hit 693% x 3
- II : 1,2 hits 610% x 2, 3 hits 610% x 3 > 1,2 hits 915% x 2, 3 hit 915% x 3
- III : 1,2 hits 758% x 2, 3 hit 758% x 3 > 1,2 hits 1137% x 2, 3 hit 1137% x 3
- IV : 1,2 hits 906% x 2, 3 hit 906% x 3 > 1,2 hits 1359% x 2, 3 hit 1359% x 3
Locations of the following skills in the Skill window have changed.
- Absolute: Severing Light, Absolute: Sword of Judgment, Absolute: Sharp Light
Flow: Dash Slash will decrease enemy’s DP by 15 for 10 seconds on successful hits.
Fiery Crevice will have Critical hit chance +50% in PvE on successful hits.
Fiery Crevice will hit 2 more times in PvE.
Twister will hit 2 more times in PvE when the skill is not used during cooldown.
- 1000% x 2 > 1000% x 4
Fixed the issue where the Crown Eagle Armor looked black when the durability is low.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on Wind Waker Armor when the durability is low.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on the arm part of the Karki Suit costume.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on Lahr Arcien outfit when the durability is low.
Fixed the issue where the Crown Eagle Armor looked black when the durability is low.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness on Kyrill Armor when the durability is low.
[Dark Knight]
Fixed the issue where the color of some part of the DK’s hair looked awkward after changing the color of the inner portion of the hair.
PvE damage of Fallout will increase by 30% and will have +50% Critical hit chance when the skill is not used during cooldown.
- 910% x 3 > 1183% x 3
Fallout will charge Martial Spirit Shards on successful hits.
PvE damage of Ultimate Crush will increase by 42% if the skill is not on cooldown.
- I : 1, 2 hits 392% x 3, 3 hits 392% x1 > 1, 2 hits 588% x 3, 3 hits 588% x1
- II : 1, 2 hits 471% x 3, 3 hits 471% x1 > 1, 2 hits 707% x 3, 3 hits 707% x1
- III : 1, 2 hits 551% x 3, 3 hits 551% x1 > 1, 2 hits 827% x 3, 3 hits 827% x1
- IV : 1, 2 hits 630% x 3, 3 hits 630% x1 > 1, 2 hits 945% x 3, 3 hits 945% x1
[Life Skill Mastery]
Training Mastery has been added and Training has been reworked.
- The chance of obtaining a better horse via breeding and leveling up will increase if you have higher Training Level/Mastery.
- Training Mastery will increase proportionally with Training Level. The maximum Training Mastery you can get from Training Level is 500. (Guru 20)
- You can increase your Training Mastery by equipping Training Mastery Gear.
- The efficiency of Training when wearing Training gear will increase more if you have higher Training Level.
You will have the following benefits when you have higher Training Level/Mastery. You can level up your horses faster, so you will be able to make more money from Imperial Horse Delivery and Horse Market.
- The chance of successfully taming wild horses will increase.
- The amount of exp that your mounts get will increase.
- The chance of getting higher tier horse via horse breeding will increase. (The chance will be affected by the Mastery when the breeding starts.)
- The chance of acquiring new skills when the mounts level up will increase. (After next week’s patch, this will be affected by Training Level only.)
Green, Blue, and Orange Training Mastery Gear have been added.
- The gear can be enhanced up to PEN(V), and will give more Training Mastery when enhanced.
- The gear can be safely enhanced up to +5.

- Green and Blue gear can be purchased from NPC vendors and are easier to enhance.
- Orange gear can be crafted by Manufacturing. (Materials: Krogdalo’s Origin Stone x 1, Manos x 5, Magical Shard x 40, Twilight Cotton Fabric x 1)

The following items have been added.

New craftable Horse Gear have been added.

- Krogdalo Horse Gear Set are hard to craft, but are the best horse gear in the game.
- Krogdalo Horse Gear will release the potential that the horse has and will make certain skills more powerful.
- There are three types of Krogdalo Horse Gear: Earth, Wind, and Ocean. The gear are craftable at Tier 3 Horse Gear Craft Workshop in Stonetail Horse Ranch. Set bonus effects will be applied if three or more pieces of the same type are equipped together.

Crio Fishing Chair can be registered in the Marketplace.
Descriptions regarding enhancement have been added to the tooltip of the following items: Manos/Crio/Loggia Fisher’s Clothes
The sentence “effects depending on Hunting Mastery can be found in My Profile - Life tab” has been added to the item tooltip of Manos Hunter’s Clothes.
Fixed the issue where the item Enlightened One’s Cotton Fabric could not be sold to NPC vendors.
You can no longer enter Sniper mode if the durability of the Sniper Rifle is 0.
Fixed the issue where Life Skill Mastery was not updated immediately when the enhancement level of a gear you are currently equipping drops and the related Life Skill Mastery drops.
The chance to obtain the following Spirit Stones as a byproduct of Alchemy has decreased by 70%: Spirit Stone of Destruction/Protection/Life
When a character leaves a guild or gets kicked out from a guild, all [Guild] items the character has will be deleted.
The character that has [Guild] items will be disconnected.
You can now switch characters or move to character selection screen while on a mount in combat zone.
Fixed the issue where Guild Leaders could not disband Guild Alliances.
Pet Exchange system has been reworked.
- The probability of what tier will the obtained pet will be after exchanging pets will be displayed.
- You can exchange 2 to 5 pets at once to increase the chance of getting a higher tier pet.
- The obtained pet will have the exp of the “main” pet.
- The “main” pet is the first pet you put in the exchange slot when exchanging pets.
- You cannot register a pet that has higher tier than the “main” pet, and you will not get a pet that has lower tier than the “mail” pet as a result of the exchange.
- If you don’t choose the appearance of the pet, you will get a random appearance that fits the tier of the pet and will get a pet talent based on the appearance of the pet.
- Pets of different species can be exchanged. However, special pets (ex. Young Red Dragon) cannot be changed with regular pets.
- Pets that are more than 2 tiers apart can be exchanged as well.
Fixed the issue where you could not catch Salmon in the freshwater in Calpheon.
Lower tier rewards that you can get even when you hit Vell just once with a ship’s cannon have been added.
You can now loot Vell even when Vell naturally despawns.
- However, the tier of the reward will be lower.
Fixed the issue where some monsters spawned during Node/Conquest Wars.
The chance that Voraro in Mirumok Ruins drops the following items has been adjusted.
- Valtarra Eclipsed Belt: increased by 10%
- Degraded Wood Fragment: chance to obtain the maximum amount decreased by 85%
The chance to obtain Spirit Stone of Destruction/Protection/Life from the monsters in the following grind spot has decreased by 50%: Navarn Steppe, Manshaum Forest, Mirumok Ruins, Gyfin Rhasia Temple
When Mirumok Watcher/Lookout summons Voraro, the summoned Voraro will start chasing players immediately without any animation.
[Quest and Knowledge]
Guild Missions can be canceled at any servers.
New quests about Krogdalo’s three heir, Arduanatt, Dine, and Doom have been added.
- You can accept the quest from Brolina Ornette, the queen of Grana, after completing Valencia Part 1 and Kamasylvia Part 2 main quests. The quests are available once per family.
New Knowledge has been added.
- The new Knowledge is obtainable from the newly added quest mentioned above.
- Drieghan Adventure Journal II : Breath of God
- Kamasylvia Adventure Journal II : Legend of Krogdalo - Dine
- Kamasylvia Adventure Journal II : Legend of Krogdalo - Doom
The quest objective fish for the quest “Ibelin’s Secret Fishing” has changed to the fish you can catch from nearby sea so you can complete the quest easier.
The quest objective for the quest “For Newborn Kittens” has changed to Yellow Corvina.
Fixed the issue where the button to fire the beacon was not displayed during the quest “Toranandu’s Declaration of War”.
Fixed the typo in the knowledge description of “Enlightened One’s Cotton Fabric”.
Knowledge category of “Enlightened One’s Cotton Fabric” has been changed to Simple Alchemy.
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
Trainer Shop has been added to the Trainer NPCs in large cities.
- Velia : Pulvio
- Heidel : Puia, Melissa Brady
- Calpheon : Fresio
- Altinova: Drosh
You can purchase the following items from Trainer NPC shops: Carrot, Dried Briar, Cheap Feed, Silk Honey Grass Supplement, Brady’s Powdered Supplement
Fixed the issue where the graphical effects of AP buffs were too bright in Remastered or Ultra mode.
Camera vibration effect when using Instant Accel has become softer.
Fixed the issue where the metal parts of an armor turned black when the character is passing by the charnel house in Velia.
Fixed the abnormal display of geographical features in Red Wolf Village.
Fixed the issue where the name of the guilds that are not participating in the Conquest War were displayed on the Conquest War Status window.
Fixed the awkward outlining of some skill icons in the Skill window.
The word “Pavila outfit Set Bonus” has changed to “Pavila Set Bonus.”
Fixed the awkward image of the Purchase Maid/Butler icon at the bottom of the Marketplace window (ESC menu).
Arena of Arsha registration function will not be displayed on the Arena of Arsha registration screen if you cannot enter Arena of Arsha.
Worker Management window has been redesigned.
- Worker Promotion icon will be displayed more clearly.
- The number of promotion will always be displayed.
- Promotion button will not be displayed if the worker’s level is 30 and the worker has 0 promotion.
- The name of the node that the worker is working at will be displayed on different location.
- The color and size of the remaining working hours gauge have been changed.
- The description of the job the worker is doing will be written on the gauge.
Fixed the issue where the Worker Market window and the conversation window overlapped.
The video that pops up when you hover over the skill icons that are on the quickslots has been removed.
Fixed the issue where the “Register” button appeared twice when you are using the Marketplace via Marketplace maid.
Family Name Creation window has been remastered.
Mailbox UI has been improved.
- The gift icon will turn gray instead of disappearing when you receive the attached items from a mail.
- The size of the title of the mails has changed.
- The size of the window will not change after receiving attached items.
When opening RNG boxes, “open all” checkbox will be checked by default.
You can now hide the Knowledge lists on the right of the Processing window.
“Switch Character” button will now appear when you hover over the character slot in the Disconnect window.
The color of the text on the “Collect Money” button in the Guild window has changed to white.
Fixed the issue where some sentences went over the boxes in the Character Customization screen.
Skill descriptions will not go over the screen anymore when you play the game in low screen resolution.
The size of the skill icons in skill description windows has changed.
After placing items that have durability in your residence, the item’s current durability and max durability will be displayed next to the item.
Fixed the issue where some sentences went over the box in the Arena of Arsha Setting window.
The size of the weight gauge in the inventory has become smaller.
The number of inventory slots will be displayed at the bottom left corner of the inventory.
The number of inventory slots will be written in different colors depending on how many slots are full.
- 0% to 90% full : yellow
- 90% to 99% full : orange
- over 100% full : red
The Equipment window will now open right next to the Inventory window.
The space between the icons will be equal in the Equipment window.
Fixed the issue where the inventories of land mounts and water mounts overlapped when the two mounts are close to each other.
Fixed the abnormal display of Today’s Journal.
Fixed the issue where some sentences in the My Profile window overlapped with other sentences, went over the window, or were awkwardly displayed.
The silver coin icon on the price graph in the Trading screen has been removed.
Fixed the issue where the mount exp gauge was not properly displayed when the gauge is full.
Fixed the abnormal location of the item description window that pops up when you hover over the items in Horse inventory.
The area where the following buttons can be selected has been adjusted
- Storage : Auto Align
- Mailbox : Receive to Storage
- Gear Purification : Receive to Inventory, Receive to Storage
- Gear Reform : Skip Animation
Game Setting button has been added at the bottom right corner of the screen.
The “Node information” bar that appears when you select a city or a village at the top of the world map has been removed in order to give you wider view of the world map.
Fixed the abnormal location of the “Register Item” button in the Marketplace when you select the item category.
When hiring a Worker, a function where you can directly purchase a Lodging Expansion coupon when you don’t have extra lodging space has been added.
A function where you can directly purchase Stable Expansion Coupon from the Stable has been added.
Fixed the issue where the sound effect for Black Spirit: Allround Spinner was still on even after turning off all sounds.
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