There are many ways to use your Contribution Points in Black Desert Online -- from investing in your Node, renting a weapon, etc. but the biggest way to use up your points would be renting storage to store your items or worker’s lodging at each village.
Although each Node requires a different amount of CP (Contribution Points), storage can require the same amount of points but have different numbers of slots. Storage usually has 3 slots per 1 CP; it is considered efficient when it has more slots per CP and it is inefficient when it has less than 3 slots.
Even if there is a certain storage with high efficiency, there is something you need to pay attention to -- there can be cases where you might have to buy another building in order to get the one you want since most of the buildings have different sections. For example, if you want to use the building at Heidel 4-5, you will have to buy 4-1, 4-3, 4-4 first (4-2 is separate, though). Even if the one you want to get has high efficiency compared to the required CP, it might not be as efficient as you think since you have to buy other buildings prior to the purchase. This is why you should take a good look at the required CP for the sectional buildings.
If you don’t want to waste your CP, calculate the CP efficiency for the whole building. Here is a list of buildings that provide storage with over 3 slots for only 1 CP in the whole of BDO. You won’t experience any loss if you purchase storage for any of the buildings on this list. Storage with good efficiency should have more than 3.00 when calculating [Storage Slots] / [Required CP]. We also highlighted the ones we thought have good efficiency so we hope this helps you find good storage without wasting your CP too much.
※ Use Ctrl+F to find the area or village you want.
※ The storage in Grana had low efficiency so they were excluded from the list.
※ The storage in Dvencrune will be updated later.
◈ Olvia

◈ Velia

◈ Heidel

◈ Calpheon

◈ Altinova

◈ Valencia

◈ Port Epheria

◈ Splashing Point (Tarif)

◈ Behr (Trent)

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Comments :4
level 3 Dringe
This could prove very useful for me, will have to see if I can shave off some CP in preparation for Drieghan.
Thanks for posting this.
level 1 Jimboy6570
I found this very helpful thank you so much gained more storage and CP :)
level 1 Bobogoobo
If you need more storage in Altinova, 5-4 through 5-8 have an efficiency of 3.36 (37/11, same as 4-x) and don't require 5-1 through 5-3.
Thanks for the helpful guide!
level 1 MaxineHunter69
If you get all the storage at GLISH,
It is 52 slots for 14 CP
Ratio: 3.714 to 1