On August 11th (KST), Pearl Abyss has introduced the planned updates for Black Desert Online at the Black Desert Online Remastered Showcase, along with the graphical and audio remaster version of the game and a new 4K trailer. The future updates include simplified UI along with remastered graphics, more Black Spirit's Rage skills, reworked main story, new area, third Dream Horse, new class, a new system that requires alt characters, new hunting mode, and a reworked marketplace.
Starting from the Warrior, all classes will have more Black Spirit's Rage skills. Also, the newly added Black Spirit's Rage skills will not require 100% or 200% Rage. For example, the Warrior will be able to use Black Spirit's Rage Merciless with 25% Rage, and Black Spirit's Rage Slashing the Dead with 50% Rage. Merciless and Slashing the Dead with Black Spirit's Rage will also have additional skill effects such as increased damage/AoE. The Warrior's new Black Spirit's Rage skills will live in the game next week.

Pearl Abyss revealed that they have been worrying that the combat in early game might be too easy and the main story quests are too linear. In order to make the early gameplay more dynamic, Pearl Abyss will revamp the main story and the leveling routes. The difficulty of the monsters that players confront during early game will be adjusted, and there will be a total of three quest routes until they reach Calpheon. Route A will be the same as the current story where the character meets Jordine, route B will feature more combat and helping out the villagers, and route C will feature the political fight between Serendian Merchants and Calpheon Nobles. The players will have to go to different grind spots in each route.

Also, a new area will be added in the Kamasylvia territory. The Audilita area is the darkest region in Kamasylvia, the land where the exiled Ahib tribes dwell. Colussus of the Forest will be a new grind area in Audilita. Like Gyfin Rhasis Temple, the area is designed for party play. However, the gameplay will be more like a raid in the new area, as the players will have to attack a single monster together.

Along with the new region, a new Dream Horse and a new class are coming to Black Desert Online as well. Doom, the third T9 Dream Horse after Arduanatt and Dine, is a horse of destruction that burns down its enemies with deadly fire. The new class and the 17th class in Black Desert Online will be male Ranger. The highly anticipated male Ranger class will not share the same main-hand and off-hand weapon with the female Ranger and will use new types of weapons. The main-hand weapon will be a Crossbow, and the off-hand weapon will be Magic Gloves. Although the male Ranger will have slower attack speed compared to the female Ranger, he will have a heavy and powerful single blow that can sweep away enemies. The male Ranger is scheduled to be added to the game this coming winter.

New Hunting mode and a new farming system will be added as well. In order to add more dynamic to the current Hunting gameplay, a new mode called the Sniper mode will be added to Hunting. Using the Sniper mode, players will be able to hunt the monsters that are hard to approach or hard to kill with a matchlock. The aim will be disrupted by many factors like the character breathing and the wind, and the aim precision will increase as the character's Hunting Mastery becomes higher. If you aim the vital point of the target, you will be able to one-shot the target.
The Subjugation Party system is a system where you can use your alt characters. You can send the characters you are not currently playing and a few hired mercenaries to a subjugation mission and obtain some rare items as a reward.

Lastly, a new marketplace system will be implemented. In the new marketplace system, players will be able to conveniently sell or purchase items by placing silver/items in a virtual marketplace. Players can enter the amount of money they want to spend on an item that they wish to buy or the amount of money they want for an item they are trying to sell within a certain price limit, and if the prices match the item will be sold or purchased immediately. Pearl Abyss lastly revealed that their next goal is to develop a system where players can search the marketplace outside of the game using a smartphone.

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Comments :7
level 14 Tiri
> third Dream Horse
Yesssss! Doom looks awesome! But I want speed but not damage...
> ... the combat in early game might be too easy...
Oh realy? // sarcasm
Getting 56+ takes a few days without game experience and money. It is good for some reason but it is very bad for combat/class experience and entertainment I guess.
> ...and the main story quests are too linear.
Oh realy? Ahahaha. // sarcasm
I have watched some videos from test server with new graphic settings, they looks pretty fine.
level 1 DustyDemonNinja
No mention of the new UI - I am honestly most excited about that!
level 2 That_Guy
I've been playing ranger for 2 years now. The only way I'd switch to male ranger is if his awakening is a semi mobile Balista.-
level 1 PirateBeowolf
I tried PTR and graphics are amazing as well game play is better am excited to see this go live
level 1 HHENRY
What date the winter Starts?