On July 26th, Kakao Games announced the date for the Remastered Showcase, in which the remastered version of Black Desert Online will be revealed for the first time.
The graphical remaster of Black Desert Online has been hinted at since last year. It will be revealed to the public for the first time in this showcase. The remastered version will be a big update that presents upgraded graphics and sounds.
Along with the graphical remaster, the very first 4K video of Black Desert Online, an OST performance, and plans for future updates will be revealed as well. The showcase will take place on 15:00 August 11th (KST), and will be live streamed via the official Twitch channel and the official Facebook page of Black Desert Online.
Details regarding the showcase are available on the official website. (Link in Korean)

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Comments :15
level 1 Nakrast
Hope performance won't be affected much.
level 1 Fallout
@NakrastDon't be silly, this is PA we're talking about. Of *course* performance will be affected.
level 1 IlIlllIlI
After such a long work , they will finally show us what they did <3
Can't wait to see the stream <3 -
level 3 Konokolicious
Balance remaster when? DK remaster when? Striker|mystic survivability nerf when?
level 1 coolflare
Fix Valkyrie mobility! We cannot safely engage and disengage combat!!!
level 1 N0rthWind
@coolflareValk is still a god in any form of Mass PVP, it's a tank with an AoE oneshot, crazy burst AND healing and utility for her party. She doesn't need mobility, she can do enough things already.
level 1 Harry_Wilson
@N0rthWind That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard...a mmo character not deserving the same mobility that every other class has? I could see your point if there was a precedent for that in game, but this is literally the only class that is missing protected movement. You can't even hide behind the excuse of "Valk has a shield"...as they just shared the ability to block to everyone else...so not just warrior and valkryie anymore. You realize the ability to move around in the game world properly is a core feature of the game...not something that's optional? That's like saying a class doesn't need to turn to the left...because they have a heal and party utility. Pro tip, this game has no tanks. There are lots of classes who's ultimate one shots people who stand in it like dummies. There are many classes who have stronger burst than valk. There are several classes with better healing and party utility than valk. FYI...all of those classes have protected movement. Not that any of those things is logically related to being able to move around in the game world properly. What's the point of having movement/evasion skills if they don't let you actually move/evade? You should also take a moment to review past patch notes...particularly the may 9th notes...when they removed lingering super armor from valk. They specifically have a note there in parenthesis (further development needed)...on the first line in the valk section of those notes. They clearly knew that removing lingering super armor, from a class designed around its presence, would cause such issues. That was literally what caused this issue. They did an incomplete job and have yet to revisit the negative effects of removing lingering super armor from valk. Lingering super armor was what allowed valk to not get constantly CC'd when not in stationary block. Logic fails some people I guess.
level 1 coolflare
@N0rthWind@NorthWind Stop speaking garbage. You clearly don't play the class to know the issues. Having a retarded shield that is melted in one or two attacks due to AP meta and renown isn't a tank. Valkyrie is locked in shield block animation when attacked, and unable to safely disengage which means this class cannot operate on the front lines in combat. The moment the shield is burned through which is a sec or two, they are immediately CC'ed or knocked down and dead. Nearly every other class can disengage out of combat safely by some means.
level 8 Thunder
They might announce Male Ranger, finally
level 1 Beta
LOL......This is what the game lacks.....
level 1 Shelly_Ramirez
I stopped playing this game not because of the graphics but because of the stupid armor and accessory upgrade system. They can take their fail stacks and shove em. I deal with a hectic job in real life, when I play video games I want an escape from that, not more frustration... which is what the armor and accessory upgrade system is.
level 1 InFaMoUsZero
@Shelly_RamirezYour problem isn't with the upgrade system, it's to do with you as a person. If you get really upset or stressed over something so trivial then it may be best if you avoided games that require any kind of progression.
I do see where you're coming from but it's up to you to decide what bothers you, the game doesn't control that, you set the standard. -
level 1 Venoxium
@Shelly_RamirezAs Infamous says, that's just your personality and your taste in games. If you really wanna "escape from that" and play relaxing games then you really shouldn't be playing games with any forum of hard progression.