Following the world boss patch in KR, the same one has been applied to the NA and EU servers. Some of the most notable changes are the fixed spawning time of world bosses, restriction of the server switch in which players are only allowed to kill one boss at a time, and the temporary unavailability of PvP during the world boss spawn window.
In particular, the unavailability of PvP when the world boss spawns was quite controversial in the Korean community at the time of the patch. Objection to the PvP restriction was more common than support. Players claimed that PvP should not be prohibited when the world boss is present, since that time period gives players a chance to face opponent guilds more easily, which is a self-generated part of PvP content that the players enjoy.
Of course, there are those who support the change as well. Players who are new to the game and/or dislike PvP assert that this can prevent indiscriminate PK-ing when they are only there to acquire a boss item.
It seems that opinions differ depending on each player’s playstyle. We would like to know what you think, so we prepared a special comment section below for you to give your own input about restricting PvP when the world boss spawns.
Simply select which perspective you agree with and leave a comment below. We look forward to hearing your interesting thoughts!
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Comments :24
Best Comment
level 1 Jeaxgg
It's shitty. The game promotes itself as a sandbox MMORPG but they are slowly taking all the sand out. Fights at worldbosses was one of the most fun things to do for people who enjoyed openworld pvp.
level 1 DeafZephyr
I dont mind the world bosses being a safe zone. Thats fine. But not being able to PvP anywhere in the world AND THE BA? Thats just ludicrous. This game is centered around PvP, taking PvP away even for 15 minutes is silly.
level 1 JeanJean
The only boss where PvP could pose problem was Vell because of the poor Ship versus Ship combat. So instead of fixing that or making Vell area "safe", Pearl Abyss invent stupid rules to fix a non existant problem, and remove the fun of the game.
How many time were you attacked while fighting a boss ? rarely and when it happened, you had many players to help you normally. Did you sent a complain and or ticket ?
Why doesn't Pearl Abyss concentrate on adding better content like Arenas / battlefields by level and Gear Score ? Or encouraging partying ?
level 1 Novo
I like the change but should only be affected in a radius of the boss or even the entire node where the boss resides. Other than that it's pretty bad implementation and i dislike it as it is. I think although that PvP disabled world bosses are for the better since there are a lot of griefers abusing it and declaring non stop wars versus other guilds and i don't think that becoming guildless is a good way to counter this.
level 1 LumiNotOP
No PvP in the immediate vicinity of the boss. Why the whole game?
level 1 TeRRoRibleOne
It's garbage right now. They are making griefing a real issue with this change.
Welcome to TERA 2 ?
FFS this is insane ... the MMORPG which is ONLY and SOLELY focused on PVP now denies it ????
level 1 NineNTG
The change was good, but poorly implemented.They should've made the node where the boss spawns a 15 min safezone instead of making pvp unable globally
level 3 Hayaku
I don't know how did they come up with this idea. PvP should stay untouched globally and the only reasonable change they should do would be to make it so both guilds have to agree to a war to prevent bigger guilds from griefing smaller ones which I guess was the reason for some of these changes (global pvp off being simply their inability to do it in an area) . Other than that, flagging should be possible as well as switching channels and Battle Arena should work normally.
level 3 Thunder
It's a stupid idea in my opinion, would be ok to remove pvp around the world boss, just a small area but the entire game? Open World PvP is already punitive enough.
level 1 imFark
level 2 NakedToast
I posted this in the forums but I'll post here too, its long but im quite passionately against PA changing their core designs of bdo being open world with pvp to this.... and i can imagine they will implement more changes like this.
I only speak for myself - in response to those who brush it off as 'lol you cant grief anymore', its not exactly about going there to solely attack people, but its rolling to a boss thinking who 'could' be at the boss, it was kinda a thrill, your pet pings a war-target and you're like 'uh oh, whos here...'. I never thought too much about the loot, sure its nice to get a boss drop for silver gains, but never got bummed out if there is a target.
Back then some of the greatest open world pvp started at world bosses. When/if you get outnumbered, you call-in your squad, they turn up and everyone fights til they get bored. I have been in guilds in the past that were decc-ed by Enemy, Sovereign (EU top guilds) and they just totally wreck you on site. You can ask if they are willing to party up with you, if not, you cant really call someone being a **** if you are at war. Either your guild is acting like idiots and getting decc-ed on, GM not giving out protection or yourself is in the wrong guild if you cant handle pvp at bosses.
PA taking away 'organically' created open world pvp, which is so rare these days in-game, and one place it still semi-existed was at world bosses. Sad times for newer peeps that will never experience this. -
level 2 IGabrant
Those changes are a bad decission with a global effect, not everyone goes to World Bosses, and there is no sense of a PVP restriction in Valencia when Offin Spawns in kamasylvia (as example)... They could make boss areas safe zone instead of whole map...
Also the channel swap disabled is totally disgusting to those want to make other things in game, also to who want to kill a world boss, yesterday i was stuck in a server with 10 people to "kill" offin, I had no chance to change to a channel with high population to get a chance to kill the boss...
This changes have no sense... With 15 min to kill the boss you could swap 1 time and kill 2 bosses if ur server is fast enough, but if u get in a bad server at least you can kill one by swaping server in time.
Swap channel restriction and pvp restriction in all map makes no sense in this game. -
level 1 Aelin
Butchered pvp even more than they have already. Well done Pearl Abyss. Stopped playing and looks like I won't come back.
level 1 Cha-
Like you said above "self-generated" by the community itself. Same with the 15min restriction, which essential kills boss trains completely which also was more of a community thing. In summary i find these changes Anti-Community.
level 1 Samuel_Luque
I think this is a terrible decision...
PA is being very stupid... -
level 1 whatever
All the boss changes are ridiculous, why they can't just use individual lock out timers and leave bosses like they were in the beginning.
PvP should be permitted as personal choice, guild wars should receive an optional temporary and locally limited armistice. (sometime it is annoying going to bosses and forgetting we had a GW on) -
level 1 Nutoboni
It makes no sense to change this
They could atleast make a safe zone around the boss instead of disable everything everywhere... and we can't switch chan ffs !!!
level 3 OpieOP
PvPing at bosses started some of the biggest rivalries between guilds today. Not sure why they wanted to change it now.
level 1 GrimLadrian
I don't like the changes, being lock on a channel for 15 minutes is not fun at all, can't even do two world bosses. Poeple who don't care about WB are also impacted in a bad way.
If they realy want to do somthing like this, they can spawn WB only in one ore two channel and leave the other untouched. -
level 1 ShimrraFiril
Stop destroy the PVP in this game please !
level 1 Dyrusdiesalot
I disagree with disabling battle arena, but disabling PVP if it's at the area where the boss spawns, or even the province of where the boss spawns would be ok-ish. It's a step towards the right direction, so that people don't have to waste time and camp the boss, and people who don't play a lot won't be griefed by enemy guilds or players when a boss spawns.
level 1 Jeaxgg
It's shitty. The game promotes itself as a sandbox MMORPG but they are slowly taking all the sand out. Fights at worldbosses was one of the most fun things to do for people who enjoyed openworld pvp.
level 1 PeulleieoYukino
While disabling PvP in the Boss's spawn area is not a bad idea, as it prevents players to activate PK and forbid some other players to loot, they also forbid any kind of PvP in the whole world. This does means that during this time, we cannot prevent players to grief in the spot we are in, or engage in a duel to know who can keep it, or even participate in GvG, and they are now difficult to organize as an event between two guilds due to the regular spawns of WB, we cannot also train in arenas (Arsha aside) and so on.
In short,
I do believe it is a bad idea to forbid nearly all forms of PvP during spawn time of WB, BUT I do believe it is a good idea in the zone where the boss is, like in a 200m radius from where they spawn, NOT for the whole world. -
level 1 Konokolicious
Its understandable that PA hate old dedicated players. They already spent money and have no reason to buy anything else from shop. But what i have to do in this game at soft cap? better gear for better pve? this is not what i come bdo for. This game was advertised as a hardcore pvp game. And every patch since 11.01.2015 (removal of flag system) was dedicated to make it hello kitty adventure. All i have now its 1 or at best 2 sieges (real siege) a week and this is it. And now they remove world pvp the only place where you could meet guild war was the bosses. But ok. fine. go to hell. make no pvp zone at world boss but FU they forbid all pvp while bosses alive.
Game drastically need better content. Not a rebalance crap that happened. (btw dk still cant dmg strikers and mystics due retarded dmg ratio).
No one use arena of arshi (5% of player base doesnt count) We need real arena like olympiad in lineage2 or WoW with simple rewards like silver or some vanity items.
Sorry for going off-topic. But game going wrong way, and the shit that happening with bdo now must be stopped.
tldr: we need better pvp not a removal of it.