More on Black Desert Online: BDO KR Patch Notes - Feb 1st
Crafting Yellow Accessories with a new material called Yona’s Shard, which used to be a seasonal event in Black Desert Online KR, will be available all-year round as of the Feb 1st update. Yona's Fragments will be dropped from the grind spots in Valencia, and you can use them to craft Ring of Crescent Guardian, Ring of Cadry Guardian, Centaurus Belt, Basilisk Belt, Serap Necklace, and Sicil Necklace in a Tier 5 workshop.
The common materials for Rings are 15 Yona's Fragments, 10 Melted Platinum Shards, and 20 Black Stone Powder. In addition to the common materials, Crescent Ring needs 10 Trace of Chaos, and Cadry Ring needs 10 Trace of Despair. Belts require 20 Yona's Fragments, 5 Fine Thick Fur, and 20 Black Stone Powder, and either Trace of Hunting (Centaurus) or Trace of Earth (Basilisk). Lastly, Serap and Sicil Necklaces require 10 Melted Platinum Shards and 20 Black Stone Powder. Serap Necklace requires 15 Yona's Fragments and 10 Trace of Ascension, and Sicil Necklace requires 17 Yona's Fragments and 10 Trace of Savagery.
The drop rate of Yona's Fragments is 1 Shard every 2 hours, give or take. Melted Platinum Shards can be produced by Heating Platinum Ore, which can be produced from the Abandoned Iron Mine and Omar Lava Cave or can be gathered from rocks and Stoneback Crabs. Fine Thick Fur is a T3 material made from Bear/Wolf Hide.
The “Trace of X” items should be produced from Nodes. The list of the Nodes for the “Trace of X” items can be found below.
Trace of Chaos: Ancient Ruins Excavation Site
Trace of Despair: Rhua Tree Stub and Mansha Forest
Trace of Hunting: Glish Ruins and Lynch Farm Ruins
Trace of Earth: Ancient Stone Chamber and Ancient Ruins Excavation Site
Trace of Ascension: Ancient Stone Chamber
Trace of Savagery: Lynch Farm Ruins
Trace of Despair/Ascension/Savagery can also be obtained from Heating some main-hand weapons. Trace of Despair is obtainable by Heating Krea main-hands, Trace of Ascension is obtainable by Heating Yuria main-hands, and Trace of Savagery can be found by Heating Ain main-hands.
Tier 5 Accessory workshops are available in Altinova 4-5, Valencia 13-4 2nd Floor, Valencia 20-2 2nd Floor, and Grana 12 2nd Floor. The required CP to buy the houses are 12 for Valencia 13-4, and 11 for the other houses.

◆ Nodes for Trace Items

◆ Locations of Tier 5 Workshops and Required CP

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