The update that marks the details including additional damage in the item description has been released on Black Desert Online (BDO) Korea. From this update, weapons with an additional damage effect are marked in the description, allowing for easier comparison with other equipment.
The main weapon has different types of options depending on the type of the weapon. Kzarka, Liverto, Bares, and Elsh have additional damage against all species, while Yuria and Seleth deal additional damage against Humans. Ain possesses additional damage against demihumans, while Krea, Rosar, Azwell, and Kalis do no additional damage.
In terms of the secondary weapon, Kutum is the only one that does additional damage. The TRI Kutum deals +34 damage against monsters, and no other secondary weapons have additional damage. Among awakening weapons, Dandelion possesses +4 additional damage against Humans. Blue weapons deal +11 additional damage against humans, whereas green weapons deal +9 additional damage to all species.
Note that unlike accuracy, which changes depending on the level of reform even if the same weapons are on the same level of enhancement, the additional damage effect does not change. Therefore, you do not need to check whether the equipment requires reform when you compare the options of two items.

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Comments :19
level 1 Flood_Machine
Hi! Very good work on those news as always! I have a question tho. Does Seleth weapon gives +27 damage to humans along with +10 damage to human stat or not?
level 1 Yullie
@Flood_MachineThank you! Seleth weapons will give +10 damage to humans when not enhanced, and will give +27 damage to humans at PRI. So the numbers in the table above are not added to the item's base stat (+10 damage to humans), but are the total/final stats.
Let me know if you have any other questions :)
level 1 Kessman
I always wondered whether "Human type" damage works in PVP. Could you specify this?
level 1 Yullie
@KessmanHello! All playable characters are considered as "Human Type", so yes, "additional damage to humans" and "additional damage to all species" will work in PvP. Players like to use Elixir of Human Hunt for more PvP damage.
level 1 Emil_Aliyev
"Kutum deals +34 damage against monsters", "green weapons deal +9 additional damage to all species" and kzarka deals + to all species. Can u explain please the difference between "monster damage" and "all cpecies"? Does it mean that "all species" include PvP-damage? because as i know all mobs - humans, ayn, animals - are in "monsters" category.
level 1 Yullie
@Emil_Aliyev"Monster damage" means the damage you deal to the targets in the environment (= mobs), and "All species" include both mobs and other players. So Kutum does not deal any additional damage in PvP, but Kzarka will.
level 1 Zephan
What are the KR players' feelings on the stats of awakening weapons? Now that the green and blue ones have more species damage than Dandelion whereas before none of them had any, it seems from these numbers that Dande is not worth it at all.
level 1 Yullie
@ZephanIt's a bit complicated :( PA just fixed the bug where the "additional damage to humans" and "additional damage to all species" effect in green and blue weapons were not applied. Dandelions did not have any additional damage, but got additional damage to humans this week.
Dandelions have higher AP compared to other awakening weapons at the same Enhancement level, so the general player-base opinion is that Dandelion is still the best gear. Since all three items underwent big changes at once, we still need to run more tests for more precise comparison on the three items :(
level 1 Zephan
@YullieYeah, it just seems very weird that Dande only has a few human damage, whereas Kzarka for example has tons of all species damage and is by far the best mainhand, or Kutum which has soooo much monster damage.
I'm not sure if the info has made it over to KR or not, but I've done testing quite a while ago in NA/EU on how awakening skills use AP, and I found that AP on awakening weapons is only 70% as strong as accessory AP or offhand AP, and others have done tests on species damage that show it's about 85% as strong as accessory or offhand AP (I can give links to the tests if you want them!). With those values, and the numbers you gave in this article, it seems that the Ultimate Blue weapons will actually be stronger than Dande against humans at the same enhance level... And Ultimate Green should be about equal against everything except humans, and even for humans only ~4 AP worse.
That just seems wrong for something that's so hard to get and expensive to enchant as Dande. D:
level 1 Frozensapphire
A bit late but if kzarka deal damage to all species, which is also apply in PvP, does that mean Kzarka will deal more damage than liverto? If you can show both tri liverto and tri kzarka in comparison that would be nice
level 1 Yullie
@FrozensapphireHi, as you can see in the screenshot above, Kzarka's Accuracy is higher than Liverto's Accuracy in the same enhancement level. Liverto's additional damage to all species is +5, while Kzarka's damage to all species is +18. So yes, Kzarka deals more damage than Liverto :)
level 1 Frozensapphire
@Yullie@Yullie Thanks you for your information and quick response , we havent got all this info in NA yet so your screenshot and explanation is big help to me <3 <3
level 1 seisan300
Hello there! Just for pure curiosity, can you show a TRI Ultimate Elsh, TRI Liverto and TRI Kzarka comparison? That would be awesome.
Thanks in advance!
level 1 Yullie
@seisan300Hi, here's a comparative screenshot of TRI Liverto, TRI Kzarka, and TRI Ultimate Elsh Kriegsmesser. The number below the item's AP is the item's Accuracy. I also marked the item effect (damage to all species). Hope this helps :)
level 1 seisan300
@YullieThank you very much!
Now I wonder which AP value adds to the Awakening weapon AP: wether the 30% is determined by both the base main weapon AP plus the item effect (damage to all species +5, +18 or +16), or it is rather detemined only by the base main AP -- in which case the hidden AP of the main hand would or would not stack to the awakening AP in its entire value (a +18 or +0 stacking to that 30% in Kzarka's case).
level 1 Zephan
@seisan300Your wording is kind of confusing, but you seem to be asking what % of species damage on mainhands is applied to awakening skills? If so, it's 100% applied from all sources unlike AP, I've tested that here:
level 1 Kessman
@ZephanHi. I looked through your test.
while mainhand AP is only about 30% as effective as universal AP, so Hd should be about (0.8/0.3=) 2.67x as effective as mainhand AP
What do you exactly mean by mainhand AP?
So considering "Human damage" am I right that TRI Ult Yuria AP should be like "96-105" + (23*2.67) = "157.41-166.41"
While TRI Kzarka AP should be like "106-110" + (18*2.67) = "154.06-158.06" ?
So if not take into account accuracy, Yuria has more AP than Kzarka vs Human?
level 1 Richard_Martin
Hi, im sorry maybe it's a little outdated...
I have a question...
If im using TRI Kzarka, which have extra damage to all species, will it have effect to my awakening weapon attack??
Does the effect only apply to Main Weapon attack, or to overall of my attack???
Thank you...