As of the Nov 16th update in Black Desert Online KR, Accuracy/Evasion/DR numbers will be written on the tooltips of each item. Also, the total Accuracy/Evasion/DR of your character can be checked if you put your mouse over the (?) mark next to your AP/Awakening AP/DP. The numbers for the "Hidden Options" are not written on the tooltips yet, but will be available in the near future.

Accuracy is a separate stat, and Evasion and DR are the stats that are added together to determine the gear’s DP. The stats will go up as the Enhancement level of the gear goes up. For example, all main-hand weapons have Accuracy, and TRI: Kzarka has higher Accuracy than DUO: Kzarka does. Defense gear will have higher Evasion and DR as Enhancement level goes up.
For main-hand weapons, TRI Kzarka weapons have 184 Accuracy. TRI Liverto weapons have 162, and Ultimate Elsh weapons have the same Accuracy as Kzarka weapons do. Ultimate Azwell weapons have 176 Accuracy, and all other Ultimate green weapons have 150 Accuracy.
Green main-hand weapons gain more Accuracy when they are reformed. For example, regular Green Yuria weapons have 98 Accuracy, Blue Yuria weapons have 130 Accuracy, and Ultimate Yuria weapons have 150 Accuracy. So if you are using Green main-hand weapons before moving on to Kzarka, you must reform your green to Ultimate.
For off-hand weapons, TRI Kutum gives 11 Accuracy and its 20 DP is composed of 9 Evasion and 11 DR. Accuracy-focused Green off-hand weapons give 88 Accuracy (TRI, reformed to Ultimate), and Nouver and Awakening weapons do not have any Accuracy.

For defense gear, both Evasion and DR values are written on the tooltip, and the same type of boss gear (Giath’s Helmet/Griffon’s Helmet, Tree Spirit’s Armor/Red Nose’s Armor, and Muskan’s Shoes/Urgon’s Shoes) has the same Evasion and DR value. Bheg’s Gloves, the only Boss Gloves, will give 46 Accuracy in TRI.

For Accessories, a few different Accessories except for Green Accessories have Accuracy. Tungrad Necklace, Ogre Ring, Laytenn’s Power Stone, Serap’s Necklace, Ancient Guardian’s Seal, Bensho’s Necklace, Scarla Necklace, and Manos Necklace have a base Accuracy of 4, and get additional 4 Accuracy per Enhancement level. Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator gets 2 additional Accuracy per Enhancement level, and Sicil’s Necklace does not have any Accuracy.
Most Rings and Earrings, including Mark of Shadow, Ring of Crescent Guardian, Witch’s Earring, and Tungrad Earring, have a base Accuracy of 2. However, Nert Ring, which already has +6 Accuracy as an item effect, does not have any base Accuracy.
Most Belts, including Basilisk’s Belt, Tungrad Belt, and Belt of Shultz the Gladiator, also have a base Accuracy of 2. Tree Spirit Belt does not give any additional Accuracy other than the Accuracy already written as an item effect, and Accuracy remains the same even when the item is Enhanced.

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Comments :41
level 1 Anita
Hello, thank you for your promptness. Could you make comparative screenshots of Nouver , Kutum and Vangertz. Thank you in advance
level 1 Yullie
@AnitaHi! This screenshot will show you Nouver, Kutum, Ultimate Vangertz, and Vangertz (all TRI). Actually, KR just got a small update and the hidden Evasion&DR of each item will now be written on item tooltips. The (+27) next to the Evasion for Kutum is the hidden Evasion (which will not be hidden anymore.) Let me know of you have any other questions. Thank you :)
level 1 Anita
@AnitaOh, thank you very much! I hope that developers will quickly implement this innovation in all versions of the game
level 1 Anita
@YullieOne more question, you write "Most Rings and Earrings, including Mark of Shadow, Ring of Crescent Guardian, Witch’s Earring, and Tungrad Earring, have a base Accuracy of 2. "
while improving the accuracy of these accessories?
level 1 Yullie
@AnitaHi, most Blue/Yellow Rings&Earrings have a base Accuracy of 2, and Accuracy increases by 2 as the item's Enhancement grade goes up.
level 1 Flood_Machine
Hi! Can u make a screenshot of Necklace of Good Deeds? Does accuracy stacks? I mean Item effect accuracy + Accuracy below item "AP" stat.
level 1 Yullie
@Flood_Machine This is the screenshot for Necklace of Good Deeds (left) and PRI: Necklace of Good Deeds (right). Necklace of Good Deeds does not have any additional Accuracy other than the item already has an item effect.The Accuracy number below AP is the item's total/final Accuracy. Accuracy below "item effect" and the item's base Accuracy (which used to be hidden) are added together to determine the item's total Accuracy, which is the number written below the item's AP. (So in other words, Accuracy number blow AP = Item Effect Accuracy + base Accuracy.) However, most accessories that already have Accuracy as item effects (e.g. Kalis Ring, Necklace of Good Deeds) do not have any additional Accuracy as a base stat. -
level 1 Carlos_Toad
Can u print helmet and gloves of Heve?
level 1 Yullie
@Carlos_ToadHi, these are screenshots for Strength Gloves/Helmet of Heve (+0 and TRI). Let me know if you have any other questions/requests and I'll be happy to help you :) Thank you!
level 1 Yullie
@Carlos_ToadHi, sorry for getting to you late! Here are screenshots of Yuria and Liverto Longsword!
level 1 Darkcain
Any chance for screenshots of Ultimate grunil set TRI?
Good job with rest of information!!
level 1 Yullie
@DarkcainHi, here's the screenshot of TRI Ultimate Grunil Set. Feel free to ask me anything if you have any other questions or requests. Thanks!
level 1 Sylar
Hello, thanks for all this awesome information. Could you please show a screenshot of the Steel Dagger, Bronce Dagger and Parrying Dagger? Thanks!
level 1 Yullie
@Sylar Here's the screenshot for Steel Dagger, Bronze Dagger, and Parrying Dagger! Click on the screenshot to enlarge it :)
level 1 Anita
Hello! I'm no longer comfortable with you, but friends from the guild are very asking =) Please make screenshots of Red Coral Earring, and compare Muskan's Shoes and Urugon’s Shoes. Thank you in advance!
level 1 Yullie
@AnitaNP :) Here's a screenshot of Red Coral Ring. I'll give you a screenshot that shows Muskan's Shoes and Urugon's Shoes in the comment below.
level 1 Anita
@YullieTerrific, so fast! You are best! But I asked for earrings, not rings. Earrings from red coral are very much appreciated by us, so I would like to know if they have hidden characteristics. This topic is very worrisome =)
level 1 Yullie
@Anitaomg I am terribly sorry!! Here are screenshots of Red Coral Earring (14 Accuracy) and TRI Red Coral Earring (26 Accuracy). Unfortunately, Red Coral Earrings don't have any additional "hidden" stats, as the item's Accuracy under "Item Effect" is the same as the item's total Accuracy (which is written below AP.) I understand that everyone is curious about this "hidden stats", so please don't hesitate to make any requests :)
level 1 Guillermo
Could you please show a comparative screenshot of yuria, liverto and kzarka
level 1 Yullie
@GuillermoHi, here is a comparative screenshot of Yuria/Liverto/Kzarka Amulet, all in TRI. As you can see in the screenshot, TRI: Yuria has 98 Accuracy, TRI: Liverto has 162 Accuracy, and TRI: Kzarka has 184 Accuracy.
level 1 Sharpy
hello, would you be able to post taritas helmet and rocaba helmet please. Thank you
level 1 Yullie
level 1 Baldur
@YullieOn the image it says 4(+12) evasion what is the (+12) about as it’s only on the armours ??
level 1 Yullie
@BaldurHello, and sorry for getting to you late :( The numbers in the parenthesis next to Evasion/DR are the "hidden stats", which are not hidden anymore.
level 1 diego_duc
can u print ultimate heve set TRI?
level 1 Yullie
@diego_ducHi, these are the screenshots of TRI Ultimate Heve set. The numbers in the parenthesis are the stats that used to be hidden.
level 1 ZarakiKenp
Hello, it would be awesome if you could post boss armor parts on TRI aswell, ty in advance
level 1 Yullie
@ZarakiKenpHi, sorry for getting to you late. I'll give you the screenshot of boss armors first. I'll post screenshots of other boss gears in a moment!
level 1 Deny_Rock
Hello! :P, thanks for all the information, I would really appreciate it if you share information about the TET Grunil set and TRI Lemoria Set, and Tri Dandelion (Does this have any hidden details? ) Thank you so much in advance! :P
level 1 Yullie
@Deny_RockHi, I will give you a screenshot of TRI Dandelion first. Dandes can have additional damage to Humans up to +5. (1 damage on +6 to +9, 2 damage on +10 to +12, 3 damage on +13 to +15, 4 damage on PRI to TRI, and 5 damage on TET&PEN). Other screenshots will be posted in a moment. Thanks!
level 1 Yullie
@Deny_RockSorry it took me a bit to take screenshots T^T Here's a screenshot of TRI Lemoria Set. Please let me know if you need anything else :)