The Shudad Classic sets for the Musa, Maewha, Ninja, and Kunoichi have been updated in Black Desert Online Korea. The appearance of the Shudad set only changes depending on what gender the character is, and these new sets share this same feature.
The sets of male characters, the Musa and Ninja, form a medium armor set with plates in layers around the whole body. The helmet covers the whole head, and has a T-shape space in front when the face mask is removed.
The sets of female characters, the Maewha and Kunoichi, have a lighter design. On top of the cloth armor is a plate that surrounds the upper body, joints, and feet, while the lower body is covered with a short skirt. There are two types of Shudad sets for female characters - one with socks and one without socks - and the helmet almost looks like a mere decoration; it does not have the feature of opening and closing the mask.
Musa Shudad Classic Set

Ninja Shudad Classic Set

Maewha Shudad Classic Set

Kunoichi Shudad Classic Set

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