Gyfin Rhasia Temple, one of the new grind spots added in Kamasylvia Part 2, is a spot for players with a high gear score. The monsters at Gyfin Rhasia Temple are extremely powerful, and the ranged attacks from the Gyfin Rhasia Towers can be fatal. Even if you have high DP, you can never let your guard down.
However, Gyfin Rhasia Temple is a high risk high reward grind spot. Each party members can loot from the same monster, so players usually party grind in Gyfin Rhasia Temple. Players first bring the monsters to one spot, and then kill them all at once with AoE skills.
Major drops from Gyfin Rhasia Temple are Forest Fury, materials for Horse Awakening, and Tungrad Belt, which is an expensive yellow-grade accessory.
◇ Gyfin Rhasia Temple is located at the south of Grana
Gyfin Rhasia Temple is located at the south of Grana. It is better to go to Grana first before you start grinding at Gyfin Rhasia Temple, so you can get yourself prepared for the grinding.

◇ Entry Barriers are not low - Recommended gs and elixirs
Gyfin Rhasia Temple is designed for players who have high level and gs. Recommended level is 60 or 61, and recommended AP and DP are 240 and 280. The monsters at Gyfin Rhasia Temple can kill you easily with their lethal attacks, so some players tend to get more DP for survivability.
1 or 2 kinds of Elixirs are needed to grind better in Gyfin Rhasia Temple. If your party has enough AP/DP, you should use [Party] Splendid EXP Elixir for more exp. If your party needs more AP and/or DP, use Elixirs like [Party] Elixir of Endless Fury, [Party] Elixir of Remarkable Will, and [Party] Elixir of Steel Defense.
[Party] Grim Soul Reaper’s Elixir and [Party] Elixir of Strong Draining can also add more survivability as they can help recover some HP per hit. If your party members need more Accuracy, use [Party] Elixir of Concentration. Lastly, Griffon’s Elixir will help your party deal more damage, as the monsters at Gyfin Rhasia are Kamasylvian monsters.

◇ Each Party Member has a role: Position yourself well for a better grinding experience
Gyfin Rhasia Temple is not designed for solo grinding. The monsters are powerful, and everyone can loot from the same monster. Also, the monsters are not grouped together, so there has to be someone who pulls the monsters together before dealing damage.
One party usually consists of 3 DPS characters and 2 aggro characters. The aggro characters pull the monsters together using their mobility and survivability before the DPS characters start dealing damage. The DPS characters sweep away the monsters with burst damage.
The classes that usually play DPS are Sorceress, Wizard/Witch, and Dark Knight. The classes that usually play aggro are Musa, Warrior, and Valkyrie. These are not fixed roles, so you can change your role in accordance with your gameplay skills and AP/DP.

◇ Gyfin Rhasia Temple can be divided into four areas
The core strategy for grinding in Gyfin Rhasia Temple is to pull as many monsters as possible in a short amount of time. The amount of items you get is determined by how skillfully your party pulls the monsters, not by your party’s total gs.
If you are pulling aggro for your party, you should always be aware of the location of Gyfin Rhasia Flamen. Gyfin Rhasia Flamen will attack players from a distance, and will interrupt dps characters trying to dish out burst damage skills on the monsters that are pulled together. Flamens must be in the AoE of the dps characters’ skills so the flow in grinding is not interrupted.
Another thing to keep in mind about Flamen is that if a person who pulled Flamen’s aggro is attacking it from the front, Flamen will escape with an evasive backstep. To avoid this situation, the one who did not pull Flamen’s aggro should kill Flamen quickly and the one who pulled aggro in the first place should not position himself/herself in front of Flamen.

[Area #1]

When following the routes marked on the image above, make sure you are following one route at a time. If you were following the yellow route but suddenly switch to the red route, the monsters in the yellow circle will not be aggroed by you anymore and will return to their original spots.
The one who will be moving along the red route should go after the one who will be taking the yellow route so he/she does not pull aggro from the monsters in the yellow circle. If you are taking the red route, make sure you move after you see the monsters in the yellow circle have been pulled by another player.
Bring the monsters to the pillar next to the staircase, and start dealing damage. For maximum efficiency, the monsters should be tightly grouped.

The first puller should pull the stone statues and the monsters behind the arched gate. Then, bring the monsters to the circular area with the stone floor.
The second puller should enter the circular area with the stone floor and start pulling monsters there. There are Gyfin Rhasia Flamens in the area.
Damage dealers should wait at a spot that is slightly far away from the arched gate. When the aggro players bring the monsters to the spot, start dealing damage.

In Area#3, you should wait until Gyfin Rhasia Crusher is summoned and then move to the tower before pulling aggro.
To prevent more than one players from taking the same route and to keep the aggro to one player, the other puller should move along the grassy path and jump towards the tower.
Damage dealers should wait at the stairs, and start dealing damage when the monsters are gathered together at the tower.

The first puller should go down the stairs and pull monsters, while pulling the monsters behind the arched gate also. Once the monsters guarding the gate start to move, go up the stairs and pull them towards the tower in the middle.
The second puller should jump from Area#3 to Area#4 and start pulling aggro from the monsters in the red circle. Before reaching the tower in the middle, wait for a brief moment at the 3 o’clock corner so the monsters can come close enough. Once they are close enough, bring them to the tower in the middle.
Damage dealers should wait in the grassy area that is close to Area#3, and start dealing damage when the monsters are grouped together.
Video on how to pull monsters in Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Order: Area 2-Area 3-Area 4-Area 1)
◇ Tungrad Belt, an accessory worth 0.l bil
The items you can get in Gyfin Rhasia Temple are relatively expensive. One major source of income is the Fragment of Bronze Artifact, which costs 12,000 silver coins.
A new defensive gear, the Lemoria Armor Set, is also available from Gyfin Rhasia Temple. Lemoria Armor/Helmet/Gloves/Shoes are Blue items that have a set bonus with Liverto Weapons. Each piece of Lemoria Armor Set costs 0.9 million to 1 million silver in the Marketplace.
Other items available from the Gyfin Rhasia Temple are materials for Courser Training (Pure Forest Breath, Swaying Wind Shard, etc.) and Krogdalo’s Origin Stones. Materials for Courser Training are not that expensive, but Krogdalo’s Origin Stones are about 10 million silver in the Marketplace. You can also get Forest Fury by chance Gyfin Rhasia Temple.
The best item you can get in Gyfin Rhasia Temple is Tungrad Belt. Tungrad Belt has a base AP of 6, and gets 3 additional AP as the Enhancement Level goes up. The accessory increases Black Spirit’s Rage by 20% and weight limit by 80 LT. The price is 0.1 to 0.12 billion silver in the Marketplace, making the belt one of the most expensive accessories in BDO.

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