To celebrate one of the biggest holidays in Korea, Black Desert Online KR started an event yesterday (Sept 28th) and some peculiar things are going on due to the event.
Tafu, a newly added NPC in each major city, is selling two types of special boxes called “Shakatu’s Precious Box” and “Shakatu’s Rare Box”. The boxes contain random items, and cost 50 million silver and 10 million silver, respectively.
Although the boxes cost quite a lot and the items are completely RNG-reliant, players are spending lots of money on the two Shakatu Boxes. If they are lucky, they can even win TET Accessories and Boss Gear. Of course, players are fairly likely to just end up with Memory Fragments or Black Stones. (The two boxes contain different rewards.)
Some lucky players linked the items they got from the boxes, and these jackpots motivated players, so they have been spending more and more silver since yesterday. Some players jumped for joy, while others cried in despair.
[Items you can get from Shakatu’s Precious Box] (50 mil)

[Items you can get from Shakatu’s Rare Box] (10 mil)

Shakatu’s Precious Boxes are more popular as they can give bigger rewards. Of course, it’s all about RNG and you are not guaranteed to get a good item. Most of the players got Memory Fragments or Sharp/Hard Black Crystal Shard, and a only small portion of players got what they want.
Getting an Ogre Ring from the Box might be a success, but getting one Ogre Ring after opening multiple boxes is a big loss. The players who get TRI or TET Accessories or Resplendent Alchemy Stones are envied by many other players.
If the universe is in your favor, you may just win a jackpot. Some players are just enjoying the excitement with the amount of money they already have.

One peculiar sight caused by this event is the flood of items in the Marketplace. Rare boss gear and accessories keep on appearing in the Marketplace.
In order to make up for the money they spent on the Shakatu Boxes, or in order to get the money to buy more Boxes, players are selling the rare items that they have been keeping in their storages. Enhanced boss gear, Kzarka Weapon Box, Nouver, Kutum, and even Dandelion weapons can be found in the Marketplace.
Also, a lot of players are selling back the accessories that they got from the Shakatu Boxes. The Marketplace in the KR server is being flooded with boss gear and expensive yellow-grade accessories right now. In addition, the unlucky ones are selling the Memory Fragments and Sharp/Hard Black Crystal Shards in the Marketplace and the amount of those items in the Marketplace rocketed.
The biggest Marketplace boom in the history of Black Desert Online is still going on in the KR server. KR players who wish to upgrade their GS are welcoming this opportunity.

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Comments :4
level 1 Konokolicious
Retarded korean game design at it best
level 1 Catastigma
How to kill the game...
level 1 Sescho
good job for reducing we can buying decent gear without bidding too was almost impossible before...:D
level 1 Ravengaard
This is very smart, a big cash sink for rich players and an opportunity for new players to get upgrades. In the end this gives a healthier player base, even though veterans might feel fooled. Power and xp creep is inevitable and unfortunately needed for the longevity of the game.