There is a variety of equipment with distinct effects and stats in BDO. Some may have high accuracy, or two sockets for example. The variety is quite expansive, but in the end it all comes down to one set of equipment - the top gear you get from boss monsters.
This top-tier gear includes Awakening weapons like the Dandelion series or Bheg’s Gloves, which increase accuracy. If a player can complete the final set of gear, that player can benefit from great increases to AP or DP.
Although there are some differences in how players gear up, depending on the type of content they enjoy, the fundamentals of each gear does not really change. Due to this fact, it will be much more beneficial if you know what equipment you need to choose, because it will help you build a powerful character without having to follow the meta.

Having TET boss items will almost be the end of gearing up
Main weapon: Kzarka
Awakening weapon: Dandelion
Secondary weapon: Nouver, Kutum
Helmet: Giath’s Helmet
Armor: Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor
Shoes: Muskan’s Shoes
Gloves: Bheg’s Gloves
Earring: Tungrad Earring
Ring: Ring of Crescent Guardian
Necklace: Ogre Ring
Belt: Basilisk’s Belt
The boss equipment such as Dandelion, Kzarka and Nouver are considered final weapons. They fit the title of final equipment due to them having the highest AP and excellent effects. They are also rumored to possess hidden stats, which has drawn them the attention of many players.
The Kzarka weapon holds the effect of 3 levels of attack speed and increased casting speed, but the biggest merit is the simultaneous increase of AP and accuracy you get as you enhance the weapon further.
The Awakening weapon Dandelion has the highest AP among all other weapons, and Nouver is a secondary weapon praised by players for its AP-oriented stats. Kutum, one of the other secondary weapons, is also a boss weapon and it increases DP, so you can choose whatever you wish to equip.
The main weapon Kzarka has a low chance to drop from Kzarka, the world boss found at the huge altar located in the deepest part of Serendia Shrine. Dandelion, has a low chance to be obtained from Karanda, the world boss found at Karanda Ridge of Calpheon. Nouver, the world boss that drops the Nouver series can be found at the Valencian Desert, and Kutum, the world boss that drops the Kutum series can be found at the Scarlet Sand Chamber of Valencia.
The probability of obtaining boss weapons is extremely low. However, players can gather 100 Latent Auras, which have a chance to drop from bosses, and accept a quest to exchange these with a boss weapon chest. Note that it can be done only once for each family.

Armor equipment from the bosses are also considered the best. They provide a set effect once you have more than 3 parts, and also increase max HP, which is absolutely necessary for players who enjoy PvP.
As mentioned before, the boss armor equipment is chosen by many players for the various effects they, and the most essential one among them is Bheg’s Gloves. This is because they have the effect of increased accuracy.
Muskan’s Shoes have the effect of increased evasion. From the famous gear of Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor and Red Nose’s Armor, Dim Tree Spirit’s Armor is more favored for its increased max HP effect. The same applies to the helmet, as Giath’s Helmet is more favored, due to its increased max HP effect, over Griffon’s Helmet, which was recently added to the game.
The world bosses that drop weapons spawn in at a certain time interval, but players can summon a couple of world bosses like Awakened Dim Tree Spirit by themselves with a summon scroll that can be obtained from quests. The scroll has the information of the summoning location if you right click the item.

The top gear settings also include accessories. The stat that players love has always been changing, from accuracy, evasion, and others, but they are now more fond of AP.
Ogre Ring is known to be the best item among necklaces. The item is rarely on sale, and the enhancement is quite difficult. Because of this, even a TRI Ogre Ring is considered to have the best stats. The item called Laytenn’s Power Stone with the same AP has been added, and you can choose either one of these, as their stats are the same.
In terms of earrings, Tungrad Earring is favored the most with its high AP. However, earrings do not follow the trend of AP and can be equipped interchangeably depending on how you set up your gear. Some PvP players in particular favor accuracy more, so they tend to equip Red Coral Earring instead.
The Ring of the Crescent Guardian is the best item among rings followed by Mark of Shadow. Both have the same normal AP, but Ring of the Crescent Guardian has extra damage when enhanced, making it more powerful on the same level of enhancement. Basilisk’s Belt is considered the best in terms of belts.

Inferior items before gearing up your character with the best ones
Main weapon: TRI Liverto, Yuria, Rosar, and Kalis
Awakening weapon: TRI green Awakening weapon
Secondary weapon: TRI AP secondary weapon
Helmet: DUO or TRI Grunil, Heve, and Hercules
Armor: DUO or TRI Grunil, Heve, and Hercules/Roaring Magical Armor
Shoes: DUO or TRI Grunil, Heve, and Hercules
Gloves: DUO or TRI Grunil, Heve, and Hercules
Earring: Red Coral Earring
Ring: Mark of Shadow
Necklace: Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator
Belt: Belt of Shultz the Gladiator
It is never easy to gather all the top gear. Even if you have gathered all the gear, it is also not easy to enhance them to the high levels. There is, however, a set of gear you can equip before obtaining all the top gear. The composition differs between players depending on their playstyle and the amount of silver they possess.
Liverto is the most commonly used weapon for its reasonably high AP and its stats are generally compared to that of Kzarka. The highly enhanced Liverto can be used until the point where you switch to Kzarka. DUO or TRI Liverto is usually used before Kzarka, but it costs a large amount of silver to obtain.
Players who cannot afford Liverto use Rosar, which can provide various effects with its two sockets, or Yuria, which offers additional damage to human, as an substitute. Some players use Kalis for its increased accuracy, even though the item has no additional stats. They are usually enhanced to the level of TRI.

Players generally use green Awakening weapons that are enhanced up to TRI level. The cost is not as high, and they’re not as difficult to obtain. On the other hand, the price of TRI blue Awakening weapons is 2 times higher, and the number of items on the marketplace is scarce, hence it is extremely difficult to obtain them.
The type of secondary weapon varies greatly, from AP-oriented, DP-oriented, or both, but players tend to select the ones with AP-oriented stats. As is the case with Awakening weapons, when they are enhanced to the level of TRI, they can be used up until you have the boss set.
There may be other favored weapons and useful equipment for each class besides the ones listed earlier. However, it is still a wise choice to have items that are actively sold and purchased on the marketplace, so that you can obtain Kzarka or Dandelion with the silver you received from the sales of the items.

There are also armor parts you can equip before you get the boss set. The Grunil set is often used, as well as Heve or Hercules depending on playstyle. They are usually equipped as a whole set for its effects, but the composition can be different, such as 3+1 or 2+2, depending on which set effects you want most.
Roaring Magical Armor is provided as a quest reward if the character is at level 56, and it is favored by many players for its reasonably high DP. The composition of 3 parts of Hercules and Roaring Magical Armor is considered a very cost-effective set among players. Armor parts that are enhanced to DUO or TRI can also be used until the boss set.

There are various ways that players try to obtain accessories other than the direct purchase of specific items, as they are usually quite expensive. One alternative is to use the set of Jarette accessories. The set effect increases AP, thus it is recommended to equip at least 4. Sahazad’s Ring of Monarch, which increases AP by 7, is obtainable from the quest ‘The Value of Treasure’ as a reward and is also the one that many players prefer using before getting the boss set.
If you are well-off financially, it is a good idea to purchase accessories with high AP. Mark of Shadow is good when it comes to rings, and Red Coral Earring is cost effective. They can be used for quite a long time if they are enhanced to DUO level.
In terms of necklaces and belts, there’s the Necklace of Shultz the Gladiator, Belt of Shultz the Gladiator, and you can also use Ancient Guardian’s Seal and Ancient Weapon Core for its set effect. They are also better if enhanced to DUO level.

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