By all measures of success, Schalke's placing at the EU LCS Spring Split did not live up to expectations. With a good deal of talent and strong staff around, they were automatically included in playof
On the 2018 Spring Biased Awards I will ramble about whatever set of criteria I've come up with to justify giving the spotlight to my favorite players. If you like objective selections and solid reaso
Pro players often complain about how hard it is to carry games from the toplane compared to mid or botlane. It's much easier to translate advantages from midlane due to it being in the center of the m
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure- Mark Twain In the Spanish scene, where the hype surrounding the ex-Giants roster (sans Lucas "Cabochard " Simon-Meslet,
What is All-Star?League of Legends, and most competitive disciplines are close to being an art form in a sense. Players rise and fall in popularity and success as their careers develop, creating real
In competitive League of Legends, push is king. Have a pushing advantage and you will find yourself able to rotate freely and unpunished through the map, reaching conflicts first and comfortably wardi
I was angry. As I rode Barcelona’s L3 metro heading for Plaza de Espanya, stressed and sleep deprived, the metropolitan faces that surrounded me were but an uninspired mosaic. Only he occupied m
It’s no secret that, ever since the tank metagame came back, early games have stopped being action packed. Much to the disappointment of fans, scuttle control and invading the enemy jungle for v
When we remember the best competitors of all time, there is an almost unstoppable strength that permeates their actions and stories. To think that negative environments would stop the likes of Jordan,
Once a hotfix for Fnatic’s weakened jungle position, Mads "Broxah" Brock-Pedersen has blossomed as a player ever since he joined the LCS earlier this year, a journey culminating in his nominatio
As the finals approach, Longzhu looks to be SKT’s pièce de résistance in taking back the title of best team in the world. Their unexpected first place finish on the regular season
Both intuition and experimentation had confirmed the suspicions. If Kayn was to work, it was either as a toplaner or a jungler. A kit that suffers against ranged champions, an escape mechanism almost