Welcome back, class! After a long second round robin, your final grades are in. Many of you impressed me in your second week — tiebreakers all around and an unprecedented four-way tie in Group D has made this Worlds a rare treat!
If you have any questions, office hours are on the syllabus.
After DFM's loss to T1, PiraTechnics sat down with the sibling duo LJL casters Alex "Nymaera" Hapgood and Samuel "Initia1ise" Hapgood to talk about their history, the region’s quirks, and the ascent of Japan’s super team.
2020 has been a rough year, but if there's one good thing to come of it, gamers, in particular, seem to agree that it's Hades, Supergiant Games' latest title. Hades is a roguelike game, which for the