It's hard to believe, but the 2019 League of Legends World Championship is already over a month behind us. Today Riot Games released a report with the numbers of the event, both viewership-related and gameplay related. According to the report, a few records were broken.
The numbers are provided by Nielsen Holdings, who partners with Riot for data of events like these. They showed that the Average Minute Audience (AMA) totalled to over 21.8 million. In case you're wondering what that means, Nielsen's description of it reads: "the average number of individuals or (homes or target group) viewing a TV channel, which is calculated per minute during a specified period of time over the program duration." In total, over 1 billion hours of content was consumed. To top it off, Worlds 2019 had 44 million peak concurrent viewers.
More game-related data was provided too. Of all the World Championships held so far, Worlds 2019 saw the most amount of variety in champion picks. Out of the just over 140 legible champions, 99 saw play at some point during the event. The champions with the highest win rate, provided that they'd been picked at least five times, were Kennen (71.4% win rate), Tahm Kench (71.4% win rate), and Ornn (70.0% win rate).

In terms of players with notable statistics, FunPlus Phoenix, who were crowned world champion, delivered the most players. Their bot laner Lwx racked up the most kills, their support player Crisp had the most assists of all, and GimGoon shared the gold medal for first bloods with Griffin's Tarzan.

Riot rounds up the statistics with an illustration just how global League of Legends esports is; in total there were 60 unique events, spread over 36 cities in 5 continents, in 2019. No doubt that, as 2020 will celebrate the tenth year of League of Legends competition, those numbers will go up even more.
If you want to follow more esports data, you can head over to Inven Global's Data Lab to stay up to date with esports events numbers and stream viewership.
Images via Riot Games
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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