▲ Galakrond has taken over the meta.
Hearthstone's latest expansion, Descent of Dragons, has only been out for 24 hours but that hasn't stopped high-level players from dissecting the ever-changing meta and creating decks to wreak havoc on the ladder with.
As all nine classes received new tools at their disposal, forging 30 card decks can be overwhelming shortly after an expansion goes live. Not to worry though, we have gathered some of the most popular and powerful decks from across the internet and compiled them below for novices or experienced players who want to try something new but aren't sure where to start.
Yes, it's true. The meta can change at any point, making all of the below decklists completely obsolete overnight. However, what's not going to waver is the strength of Galakrond. Five classes were lucky enough to add him to their pool of cards to choose from and already he's making his presence known.
Two of the strongest and most popular decks on ladder feature the big baddie as a way to pummel your opponent into submission. Galakrond Shaman can be played with or without the Quest and both seem to be doing quite well right out of the gate.
Take the clip below from Thijs Molendijk as an example of what he can do:
Seems pretty good, right? The deck he was running can be found here:

Here's the deck code if you want to copy it: AAECAaoIBOGoA+O0A9PAA+/3Ag20lwPQrwPGmQO0kQO7pQPPpQPeBaqvA/mwA7mtA7etA4KxA9SlAwA=
If you'd rather play a less greedy version and skip the Quest, Chris "Feno" Tsako has a deck for you as well as some comments on what makes it so powerful.
Another class performing well is Rogue which is taking advantage of their version of Galakrond to generate value and finish the game off with a smaller (but equally scary) dragon, Malygos. Tugay "MrYagut" Evsan, a long-time competitive Hearthstone player, ran the following deck with success:

Code: AAECAaIHCLICtAO9BKCAA8GuA/6uA+O0A8vAAwu0Ac0DxgWIB6QHhgmPlwO2rgO5rgOqrwPOrwMA
Although the decks featured above use Galakrond, he's not the only way for players to win games. Classes such as Mage, Priest, and Warrior have found ways to excel early on without needing to rely on the King of Dragons.
Thijs (and many others) found that Mage utilizing Mana Cycle and more cheap spells allows you to roll over your opponent quickly while being able to generate value via additional Mage spells if the game goes longer than one intends.

Code: AAECAf0EBssE7vYC0okDg5YDlpoD+KwDDKsE5gThB7wItPwCyIcDn5sD4psD/50D+6wD/awD868DAA==
Former Hearthstone World Champion Chen "tom60229" Wei Lin, optimized the once-great Chef Nomi Priest with a few cards from Descent of Dragons to keep the board clear and cycle through the deck even faster.

Code: AAECAa0GAtKZA9isAw7lBKQH9gelCdIK8gz7DND+ApeHA+aIA+uKA+qMA7CRA/KsAwA=
Last and certainly not least, it would be a disservice to have a Hearthstone expansion feature dragons as one of the main themes and not include a deck from the "dragon master" himself, Brian Kibler. While Galakrond adds an extra bit of flavor to the deck, the theme here is buffing your existing minions and smacking your opponent with them...hard.

Code: AAECAQcGoIADkocDmocD360D47QDxcADDKIE/wed8AKBhwOLhwOqiwOfoQPYrQParQOqrwPSrwP/tAMA
Countless more decks will pop up on the internet throughout the day and coming weeks as lists become more optimized and the meta settles. Shortly after an expansion goes live is arguably the best time for playing Hearthstone as players experiment with wacky card combinations and just have fun. So get on out there and see what you are able to come up with!
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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