Late Saturday night (Sunday morning in China), TSM announced that they will be traveling to Shanghai to bootcamp this December on Weibo, a popular Chinese social media app. Other teams have plans for travel to Korea, which is the traditional bootcamping location for NA and EU teams. Philippe "Vulcan" Laflamme mentioned it on his stream and the new GGS bot duo are headed there as well.

TSM isn't going with them though, they're headed to Shanghai instead, the home of the LPL and back to back World championships. This may be one of the first marks of a new era in League. Not only has China won three of the last four major international events, but now teams are beginning to value their expertise over the history of Korean dominance.
Bootcamps are one of the main ways a team works out their synergies and develops their styles, and can be especially helpful when working through the newness of the preseason patches. With TSM changing three members from its 2018 roster, a bootcamp makes the most sense if they want to come out strong and contest with other teams who have seen fewer roster changes.
TSM plainly stated they were headed there December 7th, and would stay for two weeks. Furthermore, they explained, "The main reason is we want to practice in the best region," and also that they "have a really good impression back from 2017 Worlds. We have Chinese staff and players, and we also have some connection to LPL teams." (Translation provided by Hong Cheng, @Hc95.)

It's unclear what this means for Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg, who was voted in to the All Star Event this year, and whether he will show up to the bootcamp a couple days late or skip the ASE, but TSM is sure to announce more soon. Check back here for more news on the off-season and TSM's bootcamp.

Do you think bootcamping in China will become a new norm, or do you think teams will stick with Korea for a while longer? Let us know!

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