There are many cards in Legends of Runeterra, and each have their own stats and effects to make them unique. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the card game genre, to learn all these effects. That’s why we’re dissecting all the keywords in a series of guides. In this one we’re taking a look at Strike and Nexus Strike.
These two keywords aren’t the most difficult to understand in Legends of Runeterra. Strike simply means that an effect is triggered whenever the unit bearing the keyword deals damage using its attack power—units with zero attack power (Frostbitten units, for example) cannot trigger their Strike effect. Nexus Strike effects trigger when the unit with the keyword deals damage to its opponent’s Nexus.
You can counter units with Strike abilities by Stunning, Recalling or Frostbiting them, but since literally all three cards with Strike have only one health, you might as well block them once, kill them, and get them out of the way. Nexus Strike is a bit easier to counter, since it will only trigger when a unit is attacking, and you can throw a friendly unit in its way to block the incoming attack. Below are a few cards that work with Strike and Nexus Strike.
Images via Riot Games.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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