Mike Morhaime, Blizzard Entertainment CEO, voiced criticism in a recent email, saying that there is a problem with the so-called 'Muslim Ban' policy implemented by President Donald Trump. Along with his criticism, he also emphasized the company's belief in 'diversity'.
In an email to Blizzard employees, Mike Morhaime said "The executive order strikes an incredibly sharp contrast to the values on which our company was founded. We are, and will always be, a company that strives for inclusion, embraces diversity, and treats one another with respect. This is the very foundation of what makes not just our company—but America—great, which is why I am so troubled by these actions." Morhaime continued, expressing his belief that the executive order of the Trump Administration is in conflict with what Blizzard Entertainment is pursuing, as well as what America is seeking.
Here’s Morhaime’s email:
A number of you have reached out to me about the recent U.S. executive order banning refugees and barring citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days. I share the concerns that many of you, and many within our industry, have expressed.
The executive order issued on Friday directly affected a small number of our employees and their families, and supporting them is a priority for us. Our HR and Legal teams are in touch with those impacted and are providing travel guidance as well as legal assistance and further counseling as needed. If you need to talk to anyone about the impact of the order, please reach out to your HR partner. We’ll monitor the situation, and others, for further developments so we can continue to provide resources and support.
The executive order strikes an incredibly sharp contrast with the values on which our company was founded. We are, and will always be, a company that strives for inclusion, embraces diversity, and treats one another with respect. This is the very foundation of what makes not just our company — but America — great, which is why I am so troubled by these actions. Regardless of where you are from or what your religious beliefs are, our strength is in our diversity.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly.
In the past, Mike Morhaime has criticized streaming spectators for their racist and disrespectful behaivior towards the African-American player 'TerrenceM' at Dreamhack Austin 2016 Hearthstone last year.
Now that the world's attention has been drawn to the new administration in the United States, it will be worth noting how the US game industry will change in the coming years.
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