There are many cards in Legends of Runeterra, and each have their own stats and effects to make them unique. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the card game genre, to learn all these effects. That’s why we’re dissecting all the keywords in a series of guides. In this one we’re taking a look at Allegiance.
The Allegiance keyword draws its strength from the consistency of your deck and your ability to keep track of your cards. When a card with Allegiance is played, the game checks which faction the top card of your deck belongs to. If the next card you’re going to draw belongs to the same faction of the Allegiance card, the Allegiance effect is triggered.
When you’re building a deck in Legends of Runeterra you have the choice to combine two factions, but you can opt to stick with just one. Although that would ensure the Allegiance effect always triggers, it’s usually better to just keep track of the cards you’ve drawn so far, and calculate the odds of the Allegiance buff working. Below you can find a few examples of cards with the Allegiance keyword.